Veronica – Fluellein/Paul’s Betony

Veronica – Fluellein/Paul’s Betony

The mother tincture is prepared from the fresh aerial parts in flower of Veronica of- ficinalis L.. N.O. Scrophulariaceae.

Veronica contains a glycoside, aucubin, and essential oil, tannins and bitter princi- ples and is used mainly as a mild expectorant in chronic and acute bronchial catarrhs with coughing, and especially in catarrhs of a tubercular aetiology, such as those which accompany enlargement of the hilar glands.

In tubercular children, skin conditions such as chronic eczema and dermatoses are often found, and Veronica is also a remedy for these. Such children also fre- quently suffer from intercurrent coryza (running nose), which should be regarded as

excretion of homotoxins and must not be suppressed under any circumstances. This serous rhinitis also responds to Veronica.

Thus Veronica is found mostly in combination-remedies which are aimed at the symptoms of tuberculosis and glandular swelling, and at catarrhal conditions.

A proving of this substance was conducted in the fall and winter of 1993 by     Dr. David Riley.

Congruent symptoms with Dr. Reckeweg:

  • persistent bronchial coughing
  • coryza

The most important symptoms from David Riley’s drug proving were:

Essential Characteristics

Increased physical energy is a prominent feature of this remedy in association with a notable increase of mental clarity. As well, there is an increased of mental anxiety. Irritability is also strong. Sore throat and a persistant bronchial cough were noted.

Delusions. Irritability. Numbness in the gums as from anesthesia. Sore throat pain. Urgency to evacuate bowels followed by loose stool. Persistant bronchial cough. Stiffness especially in the low back and hips. Intense, vivid dreams. Sweating worse at night. Intensely itchy, red skin eruptions.


Affectionate. ANXIETY. Delusions body vibrating or that he has been smoking mar- ijuana. Sense of exaggeration of distances. Dreams of horses, smoking cigarettes, snakes. VIVID DREAMS. Mental dullness. Ecstatic. Fear. Homesickness. Indifferent. IR- RITABILITY. Alternating moods. Sense of overwhelm. Desire to play. Clarity of thoughts.


Increased appetite. INCREASED ENERGY and feeling speedy. Aggravation from a delay in eating. Desires sweets. Sensation of heat. Itching. Lassitude, fatigue and lethargy. Restless in the afternoon. Tingling. Right sidedness.


Dizziness and lightheadedness.


Dull right sided head pain. Forehead pain extending to the temples. Sore head pain.


Heaviness of the eyelids. Sore eye pain on the outer right eye lid aggravated from touch.


Ringing noises in the ear. Painful sensation as if the ear is plugged and then opens on blowing the nose. EAR PAIN that is right sided and sharp and sudden.


Nasal congestion but with increased irritation. Frontal sinuses are clear in con- junction with a cold, cough, and sore throat. Violent sneezing. A rush of tingling in the sinuses beginning in the throat.


Eruptions of pimples on the lower lip. Sore pain. Pale face.


Sensation of dryness in the mouth as if it were full of cotton. Numbness in the mouth, particularly in the gums, as if he had received anesthesia. Vesicular eruption (“bump”) in the mouth on the left side of the tongue.


Stitching pain in the teeth.


Sensitivity like a pressure on the thyroid. Irritation. Pain that is sore or raw. Sen- sation of pinpricks the length of the throat. Tingling sensation.


Appetite increased or decreased. Nausea. Burning pain on beginning to eat that are better from eructations. Increased thirst.


Abdominal distension. Cramping pain better from rubbing. Sharp pain.


Constipation. Diarrhea. Offensive odor like spoiled eggs. Urging that is sudden or occurs after eating.


LOOSE STOOL. Offensive odor.


Urinary stream is forked.

Genitalia, Female

Brown, mucous-like discharge at the time of ovulation. Copious or scanty menses. Sexual desire increased and decreased in women.

Larynx & Trachea

Fleeing, prickling sensation in the trachea.


Difficult respiration with or after exertion.


COUGH. Cough from irritation in the bronchi.


Chest tightness. Burning pain dreaming of smoking cigarettes. Palpitations with a pounding sensation.


BACK PAIN. Pain in the cervical region aggravated by cold. Pain in the thoracic re- gion, and the sacroiliac as if sciatica. Stiffness that is painful. Pain on standing.


Perspiration in the palms. Hip pain that is left sided while the normal right sided pain is gone. Stitching pain in the inguinal area when walking.


Sleeping on the right side. Refreshing sleep. Sleepiness. Sleeplessness.


Chill from uncovering and after awaking in sweat.


PERSPIRATION AT NIGHT. Perspiration was followed by chills and cold sweats after uncovering.


Dry skin. ITCHING SKIN ERUPTIONS in the groin, or upper or lower extremities. RED ERUPTIONS that are raised. Eruptions worse damp or in the evening.