Baryta Oxalsuccinica – Barium Oxalsuccinate

Baryta Oxalsuccinica – Barium Oxalsuccinate

The attenuations are prepared from the Barium salt of Oxalsuccinic acid, Barium oxalsuccinate, (C6H3O7)2 Ba3, MW: 786.1.

This compound has a particular affinity for mesenchymal structures, and improves the function of the Citric Acid cycle and of redox systems. Indications include impreg-

nation phases of all kinds, dyscrasias, asthma, pruritus, skin diseases, psoriasis, pre- cancerous states and neoplasm phases. It has a regeneratory effect on cell-respiration.

Baryta Oxalsuccinica is also said to protect the blood from too high a cholesterol content, and has a good influence on debility. It is especially indicated in puberty and the menopause.

It works well in combination with the sarcodes: pituitary, testis, oophorinum, and brain, and also with Hydrastis, Lachesis, Kali Carbonicum, Calcium Carbonicum, Agaricus, Petroleum and Thuja.

Typical head-symptoms are bright red colouring (e.g. after apoplexy), vertigo on every movement, tinnitus, swimming sensation, headache on the vertex, worse by warmth and better in fresh air.

Chronic catarrh and bronchial asthma with dyspnoea. Lung-cancer with conges- tion extending to the head. Dryness of the nasal mucosa with hard crusts.

Nasal polypi. Reduced sense of smell. In childhood often myopia. Chronic ble- pharitis and stony-hard styes. Eyelids thickly agglutinated. Squinting. Paralysis of the eye-muscles. Hardness of hearing with tinnitus. Hard wax in the ears. To be thought of in all ear-ailments of childhood.

Children are very clumsy and show insufficient co-ordination of individual move- ments. “Podgy” school children show defective intelligence. Older patients fall prey to religious fanaticism.

There is chronic over-loading of the digestive organs, since Baryta Oxalsuccinica patients are mostly good trenchermen. When renal colics occur, they can quickly subside after a dose of Baryta Oxalsuccinica. Good results have also been observed in cancer of the prostate, cancer of the bladder, kidney diseases and uraemia with headaches and vomiting.

Foul-smelling leucorrhoea. In male puberty there may be feminisation, with ap- pearance of female secondary sexual characteristics (breasts) and fat-deposits around the hips and thighs in children with retarded mental development.

Circulatory disturbances of the extremities with bluish-red patches and burning pains. Chilblains. Oozing eczema with cracked skin and nodules exuding pus. Acne vulgaris and rosacea. Rhagades and fissures. White marks on the fingernails.

This remedy should also be tried in psoriasis with itching, painful patches the size of the palm of a hand; also in fractures slow to unite, and protruding front teeth.

The drug picture of Barium oxalsuccinicum was composed in August 1996 by David Riley, M.D., Santa Fe (New Mexico), USA.

The most important symptoms from David Riley’s drug proving were:

Essential Characteristics

The essential characteristics of this remedy manifested on an emontional level in the females in this proving. Women experienced an increase of self confidence and self respect. They were less affected by sad and sensitive stories. A number of the fe- males had a noticeable effect on their menstrual cycle.

Improvement of the usual prover symptoms: self confidence, chronic flatulence at the umbilicus, and premenstrual abdominal cramping.

Anxiety. Sadness and weeping. Dreams. Craving for cold things. Pressing head pain. Swelling of the eyes. Epistaxis. Chapped and cracked lips. Distention and ab- dominal fullness. Constipation. Rectal itching. Blood on the stools.


Anger on waking in morning. Anxiety about health, or anticipatory exam anxiety improves. Difficult concentration and comprehension while working or confusion especially with numbers. Self confidence in women increases or is improved. Delu- sion that she is smarter than others even though she knows it is not true. She has more self respect. Dreams of rape, nightmares, or logical action in dreams. Less sadness or more sensitive to sad stories. Weeping. Amorous thoughts. Suicidal dis- position decreases. Desire to play the piano. Reflecting on the past and friends.


Decreased energy and fatigue. Desires physical exercise. Sweets: desires sweets or averse to sweet drinks. Craving for cold drinks or milk. Food desires of melons and spices.


Hair feels stiff. Head pain on waking. Pains located in occiput, base, or behind the eyes. Pressing pain behind the eyes.


Red bloodshot and inflamed eye. Irritation. Yellow, gummy discharge on lashes.

Swelling sensation of the right eye. Eye pain worse bending forward.


Epistaxis especially left sided. Sneezing in the evening.


LIPS are chapped, dried, or cracked. Redness and flaking of skin on the sides of nose.


Dryness during the day.


Ache in lower teeth. Lower teeth are sensitive to heat or cold.


Lump sensation. Clearing. Tightness or tenseness on the sides


Appetite diminished due to constipation, or appetite increased. Burping. Nausea on waking in morning. Indigestion followed by vomiting at night. Thirst.


DISTENTION from gas. Fullness with a heavy feeling, or fullness during constipa- tion improves. Chronic gas pain at umbilicus improves. Left sided stitching pain. Cramping pain before menses improves.


CONSTIPATION with no desire or straining. Blood on hard stools. Itching in the morning or after stool.


Like marbles or hard at first and then diarrhea. Sticky and sweet odor. Yellow mucus mixed in stool. Frequent. Blood droplets on stool.

Genitalia, Female

Menses one week early and painful cramps. Spotting before menses. Brown blood at onset. Short menses. Increased sexual desire.

Speech & Voice

Huskiness, or hoarseness in the morning.


Pressure on chest when breathing deep. Sensation of heart turning in the chest.


Aching back pain on waking. Pain in lumbar region at small of back.


Eruption between the fingers. Brown discolored nail of the great toe. Foot perspi- ration. Soreness under the patella.




Dry or itching. Itching of hand, arms, and under neck.