Nitricum Acidum – Nitric Acid (Aqua Fortis)

Nitricum Acidum – Nitric Acid (Aqua Fortis)

The attenuations are prepared from Nitric acid, HNO3 , MW: 63.0.

Potentised Nitric Acid is one of the most important polychrests, as they are known, with typical symptoms and a wide therapeutic range, especially in chronic impregnation phases, brought about by eruptions, sycosis, vitamin deficiency or re- toxication associated with tuberculosis, syphilis and other diseases. Also in numer- ous conditions of the skin, mucosa, blood, glands, digestive system, respiratory or- gans and skeletal system.

There is a strong tendency to colds and mucous discharges after abuse of mercury, with all discharges offensive, and sticking, splinter-like pains predominating.

Fissures, ulceration and desquamation occur particularly at the muco-cutaneous borders (corners of the mouth, nose, anus). It is also indicated for aphthous ulcers, stomatitis with salivation, and gingivitis with an offensive odour, especially if there is a history of treatment with mercury.

It is indicated in anal fissures (cf. Ratanhia) and in bleeding, very painful haemor- rhoids, especially if there is “violent pain after stool, even a soft stool” (Nash). In contrast to Nux Vomica there is no relief after stool, but the patient has to walk about for an hour or two after defaecation, on account of the violent pain. As in Collinsonia, Nitric Acid also has a sticking splinter-like pain, which may be accom- panied by loss of unusually bright red blood from any orifice of the body, especially in typhus and haemorrhoids.

Another typical symptom is offensive urine, which may contain albumen and which the patient may be unable to hold if the bladder is full.

Pedunculated warts and boils appear on the skin, also ulcers which bleed easily, especially on the buttocks (cf. Sulphur), where they may be erosive with irregular edges, exuding an offensive fluid. Inflammations of the eye may be present, with specks on the cornea.

In earlier days Nitric Acid was particularly effective with syphilitic conditions arising after over-dosing with mercury. These included particularly mercurial affec- tions of the bones, with caries and inflammation of the periosteum and nocturnal rheumatic complaints, especially with changes in the weather, and possibly accom- panied by constant chilliness and offensive night-sweats, swelling and suppuration of the inguinal glands.

Nitric Acid is also called for in hearing impairment after abuse of mercury (cf. Pe- troleum), and chronic colds with watery, excoriating, offensive coryza. Especially, too, in scarlet fever and diphtheria, looseness of the teeth and bleeding of the gums, violent toothache in advanced caries and dental pulpitis, pulmonary abscess and pul- monary haemorrhages in thin elderly persons.

As in Carbo Animals and Muriaticum Acidum, there is an aversion to meat and a craving for fats and herring. There may be a bitter or sweetish taste in the mouth, and also an aversion to bread.

The wide variety of secretions of Nitric Acid have a characteristic, offensive smell, which is also found in the thin leucorrhoea. Chilblains have a light pinky-red ap- pearance and itch strongly.

Aggravation is in the evening and night, also on rising from sitting and on touch- ing the affected parts, on motion and after eating. There is a characteristic ameliora- tion from riding in a car, and also from eructations.

In Nitric Acid there is frequently a tendency to diarrhoea, at least not to hard stools, and the remedy normally helps with this.

Mentally there is irritability, obstinacy and hopeless despair; there may be malice and thirst for revenge with sensitivity to noise, pain, touch and jarring, which may give rise to fear of death. The scalp is sensitive, and there may be the sensation of a band around the head, or headache from pressure of the hat.

The tongue of Nitric Acid is characteristic: clean, red and wet with a central fur- row; bloody saliva is often present, especially when there are also ulcers on the soft palate.

Summing up the principal symptoms of Nitric Acid, we have the following reme- dy-picture:

  1. Pains as from a splinter. Ulcerations and fissures at orifices of the body, on muco-cutaneous borders, especially in dark-skinned persons above middle age. Sycotic conditions and hydrogenoid constitution.
    1. Ulceration of mouth and tongue. Aphthae. Condylomata and fissures, bleeding easily. Anal fissures with pains lasting for hours after defaecation.
    1. Strongly offensive urine, faeces and sweat. Tendency to chills and diarrhoea.
    1. Irritable, obstinate patients with hopeless despair. Sensitivity to noise, fear of death. Sensation of a band around the head and headache from pressure of the hat.
    1. Corneal ulcers. Photophobia. Constant lachrymation. Offensive nasal discharge. Excoriated, bleeding nostrils (sensation of splinters in the nose). Mastoiditis.
    1. Tongue red, wet, clean with a central furrow. Bloody saliva with ulceration of the soft palate. Pain as from a splinter on swallowing.
    1. Loves fat and salt. In pregnancy, craving for earth, chalk, etc. Dyspepsia. Anal prolapse. Easy bleeding of haemorrhoids. Icterus.
    1. Urine offensive and maybe containing albumen or blood, (hypertrophy of prostate). Ulcers beneath the prepuce. Balanitis. Leucorrhoea. Menses accompa- nied by violent pains and stitching. Metrorrhagia.
    1. Hoarseness with a dry cough. Offensive foot-sweat.
    1. Chilblains. Sweating of the hands. Offensive sweating of the axilla at night. Large warts, full of cracks, bleeding on washing. Also ulcers on the lower leg, sensitive and bleeding easily with splinter-like pains and indented edges, like raw meat. Excess of granulation tissue.
    1. Aggravation in the evening and at night, from cold, and also in hot weather. Amelioration when driving.

The German Monograph-Preparation Commission for the Homoeopathic Field of Therapy has, under the Preparation Monograph for Acidum nitricum, published the following indication(s) in the German Bundesanzeiger (German Federal Gazette) for acidum nitricum: inflammations of the skin and mucosae, with tendency to cracked skin; ulceration; benign and malignant proliferation of tissue (hyperblastosis); ill- ness associated with excessive loss of weight; emotional discord or upset.