Succinicum Acidum – Succinic Acid/Amber Acid

Succinicum Acidum – Succinic Acid/Amber Acid

The attenuations are prepared from Succinic acid, C4H6O4, MW: 118.1.

It is an active factor in the Citric Acid cycle and in redox systems. Impregnation phases of all kinds, also asthma, angina pectoris, pruritus, skin diseases, psoriasis,

pre-cancerous states and in neoplasm phases (especially in the early stages) to im- prove cell respiration. Organic nerve problems. Paresis.

Succinic Acid is related to blood formation and should therefore be used in cases of anaemia and leukaemia, also in anaemic headaches and in nutritional disturbances of vegetarians. It should also be used in cerebral arteriosclerosis, with or without loss of memory, where there is the typical pale appearance.

It is also indicated for children who have learning problems, bronchial asthma and the consequences of antibiotic treatment for frequent catarrhal affections of the upper and lower respiratory tract, possibly also in pulmonary haemorrhage and epistaxis. There is frequently an emotional inhibition, with a run-down feeling, despondency to the point of depression, weakness of memory, apathy and a lack of self-confidence. There may also be signs of vitamin deficiency, nerve-pains (trigeminal, sciatic), and lumbago. There is always a characteristic disturbance of the red blood-cells. The pa- tient perspires easily on the slightest excitement. Dampness of the hands.

There is nervous irritation of the stomach, hypochlorhydria, dyspepsia with flatu- lence, and a craving for spicy food, which disagrees. Duodenal ulcers which do not heal, enteritis and colitis with diarrhoea at the slightest excitement. Rectal prolapse and a sensation of weakness in the whole abdomen, also in carcinoma of the colon. It is used mostly as a subsidiary remedy in intestinal bleeding. All excitement affects the intestines.

Renal pain on becoming chilled. May be used as a subsidiary remedy in urinary in- fections.

Vesicular eruptions. Wounds slow to heal. Bad body-odour (cf. Hepar Sulph., Psor- inum).

Succinic Acid is also indicated in children with retarded growth and weak bones, also when fractures are slow to heal, or when fistulae persist in the bones resulting in a weakness of the joints. Inflammation of cysts, and in dental caries.

The German Monograph-Preparation Commission for the Homoeopathic Field of Therapy has, under the Preparation Monograph for Acidum succinicum, published the following indication(s) in the German Bundesanzeiger (German Federal Gazette) for acidum succinicum: hay fever.

The drug picture of Acidum succinicum was composed in April 1996 by David Riley, M.D., Santa Fe (New Mexico), USA.

The most important symptoms from David Riley’s drug proving were:

Essential Characteristics

Dryness of the upper respiratory tract membranes. Feeling so congestion in the head and ears. Bleeding or bruising about the eye or in the mouth or sensation of being bruised in the abdomen.

Improvement of the symptoms: of waking at night with the desire to urinate and multiple aphthae on the mouth at an outbreak.

Dreams of being pursued. Irritability from demands on her. Dull head pain. Lachrymation. Dryness of the nose. Upper left teeth effected. Nausea. Ileo-cecal area affected. Constipation with straining or with no urge. Feeling of incomplete bowel movement. Loose stools. Aching in the extremities.


Anxiety about health of loved ones. DREAMS OF BEING PURSUED OR CHASED by wild animals. Vivid dreams. Fear of leaving home. Irritability when demands are placed upon the person. Waking from sleep with laughter. Sensitive to body odors.


Tendency to take cold. Cravings: for cold drinks especially tea, fruit, rich foods, or vegetables. Aversion to sweet drinks.


Congestion as if a cold is coming on. Head pain in forehead or temples. Sharp or

dull pain. Pain on waking.


Agglutination of eyes in the morning. Lachrymation. Itching.


Stopped sensation like with cotton or with air pressure in the right ear. Increased cerumen. Hot feeling inside.


Cracks in tip or inside from dryness. Bloody discharge or crusts in the nose. Dryness

inside that is painful. Right sided epistaxis with clots in the morning in the shower.


Acute awareness of other’s body odors.


Bruising at inner canthi of right eye. Pimples on chin.


Painful aphthae behind lower lip but does not develop more than one. Bleeding behind front teeth.


Aching in lower left molars or upper left teeth. Appearance of upper left wisdom tooth.


Dryness, itching, or scratchiness on waking. Clearing of throat in evening im- proves.


Appetite is either increased or decreased appetite. Empty hungry feeling with rum- bling. Gnawing pain. Nausea.


Full sensation. Pain in ileo-caecal region is burning or prickling, or twinging. Sore and bruised sensation around umbilicus.


CONSTIPATION and must strain or no urge. Fullness. Feeling of incomplete evacua- tion.


Hard or soft. Loose stool or loose stool is more formed. Sticky. Green in color.


Improvement of night time waking to urinate.



Genitalia, Female

Spotting at time of menses but without flow of blood.

Speech and Voice Hoarseness in the a.m. Chest

Waking with chest pain under right breast that is sharp and deep on inhalation. Hard heartbeat.


Pimples that are inflamed and tender. Sore and bruised sensation between the scapulae.


Itching rash on left hand. Hip stiffness on waking. Aching of hip joints while standing or on ball of right foot.


Not waking at the usual 3 a.m. time but more towards morning.


Boil-like pimples on chest and face.