Influenzinum – Nosode of Influenza-Vaccine

Influenzinum – Nosode of Influenza-Vaccine

The attenuations of this nosode are prepared from heat-inactivated vaccine of a defined strain of influenza virus.

This is one of the most-used nosodes, since numerous later, chronic illnesses can be traced back to retoxic treatment of influenza and colds.

General tendency to corpulence and adiposity, even in children, arising from thy- roid hypofunction. Has an excellent tonic action in exhaustion and tiredness. Intran- sigent hoarseness. Rheumatic complaints with violent pains, especially in cold, wet weather (cf. Rhododendron, Psorinum). Tendency to catch cold, may also be used as a prophylactic for influenza. Vascular diseases in the legs (varicose veins, intermit- tent claudication). Surge of blood to the head. Trivial heart complaints (so-called neurosis).

Bronchial asthma, chronic polysinusitis and other sequelae of influenza, also ia- trogenic damage.

May also have a good effect in telangiectasis.

The German Monograph-Preparation Commission for the Homoeopathic Field of Therapy has, under the Preparation Monograph for Influencinum-Nosode, published the following indication(s) in the German Bundesanzeiger (German Federal Gazette) for Grippe-Nosode: parainfluenzal diseases.