Rhododendroneel® S

Rhododendroneel® S

Drops Composition:

100 g cont.: Rhododendron D3, Spiraea ulmaria D3, Asclepias tuberosa D6, Euphorbia cyparissias D3, Solanum dulcamara D4, Ledum palustre D 4, Aconitum napellus D4 10 g each; Stellaria media D2, Lithium benzoicum D3, Pulsatilla pratensis D3, Acidum benzoicum e resina D3 5g each. Contains 35 vol.-% alcohol.


Neuralgia, rheumatism of the soft tissues and (peri)arthritic disorders, particularly in  the case of worsening in wet weather.


In general, 10 drops 3 times daily; in acute disorders initially 10 drops every 15 minutes, over a period lasting up to two hours.

Package sizes:

Drop bottles containing 30 and 100 ml.

Pharmacological and clinical notes

Rhododendron (rhododendron)

Primary chronic polyarthritis, worsening in rainy weather. Spiraea ulmaria(meadowsweet)

Rheumatism of the muscles and joints; epicondylitis (tennis elbow). Asclepias tuberosa (pleurisy root)

Intercostal neuralgia, catarrhal conditions arising from cold and wet weather. Euphorbia cyparissias (cypress spurge)

Neural and skin irritation. Solanum dulcamara (bittersweet)

Remedy to counteract the effects of wet weather; feeling of having caught a chill; all disorders are the result of cold and wet and are worsened by exposure to cold and  wet.

Ledum palustre (wild rosemary)

Acute and chronic rheumatism of the joints, muscular rheumatism, gout, improved by cold or cold water.

Aconitum napellus (monkshood)

Neuralgia, inflammatory rheumatism; fever with a hot, dry skin. Stellaria media (chickweed)

Chronic arthritic-rheumatic disorders, especially in the region of the ankle joint; frontal headache.

Lithium benzoicum (lithium benzoate)

The various forms of rheumatism and gout; uric acid diathesis. Pulsatilla pratensis (wind flower)

Rheumatism of the muscles and joints; disorders. Acidum benzoicum (benzoic acid)

Uric acid diathesis, gout, polyarthritis, ganglion on the wrist joint, tendovaginitis.

Based on the individual homoeopathic constituents of Rhododendroneel S, therapeutical possibilities result for the treatment of rheumatism and neuralgia of various locations and origins, with typical worsening in or before wet weather, e.g. neuralgia of the arm, intercostal neuralgia, primary chronic polyarthritis, tubal catarrh worsening according to the weather, general sensitivity to the weather, herpes zoster (nocturnal disorders). Rhododendroneel S is indicated in particular for nocturnal rheumatic disorders, including masked rheumatism.

As alternating remedies, Bryaconeel (neuralgia of the arm, stabbing pains), Dulcamara-Homaccord (worsening according to the weather, intercostal neuralgia), Ferrum-Homaccord and Osteoheel S are indicated; instead of which possibly Cruroheel S (epicondylitis), Colocynthis-Homaccord (sciatic neuralgia as well as other types of neuralgia of osteochondritic origin), Gelsemium-Homaccord (occipital neuralgia and neuralgia of the neck and arm), Abropernol, Graphites-Homaccord, Lithiumeel, Bryaconeel, etc. (for coxitis), and in particular also Discus compositum. Also for parotitis epidemica (in addition to Reneel and Bryaconeel) as well as for epididymitis (in addition to Psorinoheel, etc.).

The dosage is adjusted according to the disease, the clinical picture and the stage of the illness: for acute disorders and at the start of the treatment, massive initial-dose therapy, 10 drops every 15-30 min- utes; then 10 drops twice to 4 times daily.