

Tablets Composition:

1 tablet cont.: Natrium nitrosum D5, Spigelia anthelmia D4 30 mg each; Phosphorus D12, Aconitum napellus D8, Arnica montana D8, Argentum nitricum D10 60 mg each. Indications:

Anginous complaints.


In general, 1 tablet to be dissolved under the tongue 3 times daily. In acute disorders, initially 1 tablet every 15 minutes, over a period lasting up to two hours.

Package sizes:

Packs containing 50 and 250 tablets.

Pharmacological and clinical notes

Natrium nitrosum (sodium nitrite)

Dilatation of the coronary vessels, angiospasms. Spigelia anthelmia (Indian pink)

Stabbing pains in the heart, violent palpitations of the heart with intense stabbing pains at the apex, in the pectoral region and radiating to the left arm, extra systoles, stenocardia.

Phosphorus (phosphorus)

Stenocardia, oppression of the chest, feeling of anxiety when lying on the left side. Aconitum napellus (monkshood)

Angina pectoris with anxiety and a feeling of annihilation, cardiac disorders with pains radiating into the left shoulder.

Arnica montana (mountain arnica)

Myocardial weakness, anginal disorders, toning action on the blood vessels. Argentum nitricum (silver nitrate)

Angina pectoris, worsening at night, palpitations, agoraphobia.

Based on the individual homoeopathic constituents of Pectus-Heel, therapeutic possibilities result for the treatment of stenocardia, angina pectoris, coronary disorders of the circulation, supportive treatment after myocardial infarction (in addition to Cralonin, Cardiacum-Heel, Aurumheel N drops, Glonoin-Homaccord, as well as i.v. Angio-Heel, etc.), toxic (retoxic) myocardial weakness (after angina tonsillaris, etc.).

The dosage is adjusted according to the disease, the clinical picture and the stage of the illness: in continuous treatment, 1 tablet dissolved on the tongue (perlingual resorption), possibly alternating or in exchange for Cardiacum-Heel, Glonoin- Homaccord, Aurumheel N, Cactus compositum S etc. In convulsive disorders, 1 tablet every (5-) 15 minutes, possibly alternating with auxiliary remedies (Duodenoheel or Gastricumeel for gastrocardial syndrome, Spascupreel for spasmodic disorders in general and particularly in the left side of the epigastrium, Bryaconeel for hepato- pancreatic-epigastric syndrome, further,  Chelidonium, Nux vomica-Homaccord, etc.). In addition, parenteral therapy with Angio-Injeel Cralonin, Glonoin-Homaccord, Melilotus-Homaccord, Veratrum-Homaccord, etc.