Atropinum compositum S

Atropinum compositum S

Suppositories Composition:

Injection solution: 2.2 ml cont.: Bryonia cretica Ø 0.44 ml; Cuprum aceticum D2, Berberis vulgaris Ø, Pareira brava Ø, Citrullus colocynthis Ø, Veratrum album Ø, Arsenicum album D4 0.22 µl each; Baptisia tinctoria Ø, Chelidonium majus Ø 66 nl each; Cantharis D5, Medorrhinum-Nosode D10 22 nl each; Thuja occidentalis Ø, Clematis recta Ø 6.6 nl each; Acidum benzoicum e resina D2 2.2 nl; Argentum nitricum D1 0.22 nl; Atropinum sulfuricum D4 2.198 ml.

Suppositories (S): 1 suppository cont.: Bryonia cretica Ø 0.22 mg; Cuprum aceticum D2, Berberis vulgaris Ø, Pareira brava Ø, Citrullus colocynthis Ø, Veratrum album Ø, Arsenicum album D4 0.11 mg each; Baptisia tinctoria Ø, Chelidonium majus Ø 0.033 mg each; Cantharis D5, Medorrhinum-Nosode D10 0.011 mg each; Thuja occidentalis Ø, Clematis recta Ø 3.3 µg each; Acidum benzoicum e resina D2 1.1 µg; Argentum nitricum D1 0.11 µg; Atropinum sulfuricum D3 0.011 g.


Biliary colic, renal colic, intestinal colic in children, convulsive coughs, whooping cough, dysmenorrhoea.


Injection solution: Do not administer to infants and small children. Glaucoma and disorders associated with atonic bladder emptying, e.g. prostatic hypertrophy. Mechanical intestinal obstruction. Megacolon. Tachyarrhythmia.

Side effects:

Injection solution: In rare cases children may experience pupillary dilatation (mydriasis) and dryness of the mouth.

Interactions with other medication:

None known.


Injection solution: In general, 1 ampoule i.m., s.c., i.d., if necessary slowly i.v., 3-1 times weekly. In cases of pain and colic, the single dose can be increased, according to the tolerance of the individual, to 3 ampoules maximum. The daily maximum dosage for adults is 6 ampoules, and for children 3 ampoules.

Suppositories: Unless otherwise prescribed, 1 suppository 2-3 times daily; in the case of painful conditions and colic, insert 1-2 suppositories into the anus every half hour, repeating the dosage until the condition is alleviated. Maximum daily dosage for adults: 12 suppositories; for children of 6-12 years: 5 suppositories; for children of 3-5 years: 3 suppositories; for infants of 3 months to 2 years: 2 doses of one suppository each.

Package sizes:

Injection solution: Packs containing 5, 10, 50 and 100 ampoules of 2.2 ml.

Suppositories: Packs containing 12, 60 and 120 suppositories of 2.0 g.

Pharmacological and clinical notes

Bryonia cretica (bryony)

Inflammation of all serous membranes; violent stabbing pains. Cuprum aceticum (copper (II) acetate)

Cramp of the plain and striped musculature. Berberis vulgaris (barberry)

Renal and vesical disorders, nephrolithiasis, gallstones, arthritic and rheumatic diseases.

Pareira brava (pareira)

Inflammatory disorders of the urinary tract, such as cystitis, cystopyelitis, prostatic adenoma (1st stage).

Citrullus colocynthis (bitter-apple)

Sudden stabbing pains, independent of movement and rest, colics (causing the patient to writhe).

Veratrum album (white hellebore)

Tendency to collapse and conditions of collapse with cyanotic or pallid and cool skin as well as cold sweat.

Arsenicum album (white arsenic)

Burning pains, restlessness, hopelessness. Baptisia tinctoria (wild indigo)

Extremely painful conditions of the musculature, septic states. Chelidonium majus (celandine)

Biliary colic, pains below the right shoulder blade. Cantharis (Spanish fly)

Burning pains with severe strangury, cystitis. Medorrhinum-Nosode (medorrhinum nosode) Constitutional remedy for renal and vesical disorders. Thuja occidentalis (Arbor vitae)

Constitutional remedy with particular action on the skin and the urogenital organs. Clematis recta (clematis)

Vesicular, highly irritating eczema, urethral stricture, prostatitis. Acidum benzoicum (benzoic acid)

Urid acid diathesis, gout, pains which change their position suddenly. Argentum nitricum (silver nitrate)

Splinter pains, agoraphobia, headache, pains which increase and gradually decrease. Atropinum sulfuricum (atropine sulphate)

Biliary and renal colic, relieves cramp, antispasmodic action.

The pharmacological effect is based on the synergism of various individual homoeopathic remedies which exert both a symptomatic and constitutional action on lithiasis, on the general homotoxin level and on the system.

Berberis vulgaris, Pareira brava, Baptisia tinctoria, Arsenicum album, Argentum nitricum and Cantharis act on the renal system; Chelidonium majus and Atropinum sulfuricum act particularly on the biliary system, and Veratrum (e.g. in conditions of collapse with cold sweat), Cuprum aceticum (effective in relieving cramp) and especially Atropinum sulfuricum are effective for colic. In addition, constitutional effects are brought about by Medorrhinum-Nosode, Thuja occidentalis, Arsenicum album. Accompanying conditions of catarrh and inflammatory symptoms of the mucosa are influenced favourably by Argentum nitricum, Arsenicum album and Bryonia cretica. Alternating remedies frequently required are Mucosa compositum (biliary and renal colic), Momordica compositum and Leptandra compositum (chronic and acute disorders of the pancreas), Hepar compositum, Hepeel, Injeel-Chol, Chelidonium- Homaccord (cholangitis and cholecystitis), Nux vomica-Homaccord and Veratrum- Homaccord (intestinal colic).

Especially certain effects result in biliary colic when, in addition, Atropinum compositum, preferably in the form of a mixed injection, is administered with Mucosa compositum or with Hepar compositum, and, in fact, in the form of wheals along the right costal arch. A part of the mixed injection should also be given segmentally at the vertebral column as wheals near the right shoulder blade.

If, in renal colic, no rapid action occurs, injections of Berberis-Homaccord and Cantharis-Injeel are indicated, as well as Reneel

(1 tablet every 15 minutes).

The dosage is adjusted according to the illness, the clinical appearance and the stage of the disease.