

Tablets Composition:

1 tablet cont.: Atropa belladonna D4, Sticta D4, Kalium stibyltartaricum D4, Kreosotum D5, Ipecacuanha D4, Lobelia inflata D4 30 mg each; Hyoscyamus niger D4, Bryonia cretica D4 60 mg each.


Bronchitis, especially chronic smoker’s catarrh. Dosage:

In general, 1 tablet to be dissolved under the tongue 3 times daily. In acute disorders, initially 1 tablet every 15 minutes, over a period lasting up to two hours.

Package sizes:

Packs containing 50 and 250 tablets.

Pharmacological and clinical notes

Atropa belladonna (deadly nightshade) Barking cough, localized reaction phases. Sticta (lungwort)

Tickling cough, especially at night; dry mucosa in rhinitis,  laryngopharyngitis, bronchitis.

Kalium stibyltartaricum (tartar emetic)

Cough with retching, promotes expectoration in bronchitis, (broncho-)pneumonia, pulmonary emphysema.

Kreosotum (beech tar creosote)

Catarrh of the mucosa with acrid secretions in bronchitis. Ipecacuanha (ipecacuanha)

Cough with nausea, sickness and vomiting. Lobelia inflata (turgid lobelia)

Bronchitic asthma, bronchiolitis with expectoration, vertigo. Hyoscyamus niger (henbane)

Tickling cough when Iying down, nocturnal conditions of excitement. Bryonia cretica (bryony)

Inflammation of all serous membranes, coughing when entering a warm room, thirst, pleuritis.

Based on the individual homoeopathic constituents of Bronchalis-Heel, therapeutical possibilities result for the treatment of smoker’s catarrh; chronic irritating coughs in asthma, emphysema, pleuritis; acute and chronic tracheitis and bronchitis; expectorant in influenza, bronchiectasis.

Bronchialis-Heel is also of value as adjuvant in bronchial catarrh (in addition to Galium- Heel, Psorinoheel, Lymphomyosot, etc.). Bronchalis-Heel promotes expectoration considerably.

The dosage is adjusted according to the disease, the clinical appearance and the  stage of the illness.