Placenta compositum

Placenta compositum

Injection solution Composition:

Injection solution: 2.2 ml cont.: Placenta suis D6, Embryo suis D8, Vena suis D8, Arteria suis D10, Funiculus umbilicalis suis D10, Hypophysis suis D10, Secale cornutum D4, Acidum sarcolacticum D4, Tabacum D10, Strophantus gratus D6, Aesculus hippocastanum D4, Melilotus officinalis D6, Cuprum sulfuricum D6, Natrium pyruvicum D8, Barium carbonicum D13, Plumbum jodatum D18, Vipera berus D10, Solanum nigrum D6 22 µl each.


Stimulation of metabolic functions of the peripheral circulation of the blood, and the defence in arteriosclerosis, gangrenous condition of the leg caused by excessive smoking, elephantiasis, diabetes mellitus, gangrenous ulcers, decubitus, dysmenorrhoea, neurodystonia, erythema nodosum et multiforme, embolism, post- encephalitic and post-apoplectic residual impairment, endarteritis obliterans,  chronically cold feet, endometritis, corneal clouding, inner ear deafness.


The preparation includes an iodine-containing ingredient. In cases of thyroid disorder with reduced iodine tolerance use only on the advice of a physician.

Side effects:

None known.

Interactions with other medication:

None known.


In acute disorders daily, otherwise 3-1 times weekly 1 ampoule i.m., s.c., i.d., or if necessary, i.v.

Package sizes:

Packs containing 5, 10, 50 and 100 ampoules of 2.2 ml.

Pharmacological and clinical notes

Placenta suis (placenta)

Peripheral circulatory disorders, decubitus, rhagades, eczema, crural ulcers, perniones.

Embryo suis (embryo)

Arteriosclerosis, muscular dystrophy, for revitalization in cellular phases. Vena suis (vein)

Circulatory disorders, sural spasms, varicose veins, crural ulcers, venous stasis. Arteria suis (artery)

Circulatory disorders, intermittent claudication.

Funiculus umbilicalis suis (Wharton’s jelly [umbilical cord])

Impairment of the connective tissues, arteriosclerosis, circulatory disorders. Hypophysis suis (pituitary gland)

Hormonal disturbances, disorders of the connective tissue function. Secale cornutum (spurred rye)

Peripheral circulatory disorders, paresthesia, crural ulcers, myelitis after a chill or being drenched by rain.

Acidum sarcolacticum (sarcolactic acid)

Acid-base regulation in the connective tissues. Tabacum (tobacco)

Angiospasms, paresthesia, vertigo, collapse with pallor and cold sweat, migraine. Strophanthus gratus (strophanthus)

Cardiac circulatory decompensation, tachycardia, pulsation through the whole body. Aesculus hippocastanum (horse chestnut)

Venous stasis, haemorrhoids, varicose veins, paresthesia, lumbosacral pain. Melilotus officinalis (melilot)

Congestive headache, plethora, possibly with pre-apoplectic conditions (hypertonia with reddening of the skin).

Cuprum sulfuricum (copper sulphate) Cramp of the plain and striped musculature. Natrium pyruvicum (sodium pyruvate)

Promotes detoxication; diabetic circulatory disorders. Barium carbonicum (barium carbonate) Arteriosclerosis, senile heart

Plumbum jodatum (lead iodide)

Muscular atrophy, atonic paresis, arteriosclerosis. Vipera berus (adder)

(Thrombo-)phlebitis, gangrene, sensation of heaviness in the legs, paresis, cardiac  and circulatory weakness, speech disorders.

Solanum nigrum (black nightshade)

Tetanic and epileptiform convulsions, pseudomeningitis, disorientation.

Based on the individual homoeopathic constituents of Placenta compositum, therapeutic possibilities result for the stimulation of the metabolic functions, especially of the peripheral circulation, as well as for arteriosclerosis, gangrene of the leg due to excessive smoking, elephantiasis, diabetes mellitus, gangrenous ulcers, decubitus dysmenorrhoea, vegetative dystonia, erythema nodosum et multiforme, embolism, post-encephalitic and postapoplectic residues, endarteritis obliterans, chronic cold feet, endometritis, inner ear deafness, as auxiliary remedy also in nephrosis, migraine, neuralgia, mastodynia, muscular rheumatism and Cushing’s syndrome.

The revitalizing and stimulating effect of the organ and glandular extracts, together  with homoeopathic remedies and catalysts, results in a specific action directed towards the peripheral vascular system, it being essential to take into consideration also the cerebral and myocardial blood supply.

Placenta compositum is, therefore, the parenteral preparation for  Aesculus compositum drops, and should be administered in combination with this, not only for

disturbances of the peripheral circulation as in smoker’s legs and arteriosclerotic deficiency phenomena of the mental capacity, but also for migraine, possibly also for mastodynia as well as for various skin diseases, in order to relieve the connective tissues more rapidly from deposition phase homotoxins. In such cases, toxic contamination of the organs is attacked by Hepar compositum (liver), Cor compositum (heart), Solidago compositum S (kidneys), Discus compositum ampoules (disorders originating in the vertebral column), etc., further, by Traumeel S, possibly also by Coenzyme compositum ampoules, Ubichinon compositum ampoules (stimulation of  the enzyme functions), in precancerous state by Thyreoidea compositum (antineoplasmatic action). Always indicated is the injection, interchanged, of such Composita preparations as are expected to bring about the participation of the corresponding organ or tissue functions.

The dosage is adjusted according to the disease, the clinical picture and the stage of the illness: in acute disorders 1 ampoule daily, otherwise 1 ampoule i.m., s.c., possibly

i.v. once to 3 times weekly, alternating with auxiliary remedies.