

Tablets Composition:

1 tablet cont.: Arsenicum album D5, Acidum aceticum D4, Acidum phosphoricum D4 15 mg each; China D4, Strychninum nitricum D6 60 mg each; Secale cornutum D4, Marsdenia cundurango D4 30 mg each; Curare D12 75 mg.


Dyscrasia, marasmus.


In general, 1 tablet to be dissolved under the tongue 3 times daily.

Package sizes:

Packs containing 50 and 250 tablets.

Pharmacological and clinical notes

Arsenicum album (white arsenic)

Exhaustion, marasmus, despondency with anxiety that health will never be restored, strong desire for warmth, thirst, most serious exogenous and endogenous toxin levels, enteritis with diarrhoea, nephritis, eczema, dermatitis with burning and irritation, all disorders worsening at night.

Acidum aceticum (acetic acid)

Marasmus in acute diseases, oedematous swelling, diabetes mellitus, thirst, hyperacidity, severe anaemia with diarrhoea, wax-like appearance, profuse perspiration.

Acidum phosphoricum (phosphoric acid)

Consequences of grief and mental overstrain, exhaustion, debility, diabetes mellitus with thirst, alopecia.

China (Peruvian bark)

Remedy for debility, liver damage, nocturnal sudoresis, intermittent fever. Strychninum nitricum (strychnine nitrate)

Neurasthenia, irritability, insomnia, paresis of various types. Secale cornutum (spurred rye)

Extensive antihomotoxic action in gangrene, sural spasms, polyneuritis, ischaemia, difficultly healing ulcers, thirst, improvement by cold.

Marsdenia cundurango (condurango bark)

Cachexia, tumors of the mucous membranes (stomach) with positive findings of lactic acid, telangiectasia, epitheliomas.

Curare (arrow poison)

Muscular debility, paresis, epileptiform fits ante menses, trismus, liver-spots, nevi pigmentosi, melanomas.

Based on the individual homoeopathic constituents of Arsuraneel, therapeutic possibilities result for the treatment of dyscrasia, eczema, particularly chronic, lichen ruber, pruritus of various locations and origins, cachectic conditions, including when, in addition, physical deterioration sets in, with acute or chronic diseases (with

psychological depression, e.g. in renal colic). Arsuraneel is indicated for all serious toxin levels, including after dietary errors and the consumption of harmful foods, when a shift of electrolytes takes place (e.g. consecutive renal calculus formation and colic), regardless of whether the diseases are acute (e.g. sepsis) or chronic. The antihomotoxic reversal effect of Arsenicum is then revealed especially clearly when the patient himself expresses the fear that he may never again become healthy. The additional prescription of Arsuraneel, however, is to be considered always, in every case of serious cellular phases which tend (not as with Galium-Heel to neoplasm formation, but) to malignant breakdown, to gangrene, phlegmonous extension, etc. Arsuraneel is also indicated, therefore, in particular when biologically desirable vicariation sets in, as is the case when intracellular enzyme mechanisms are reactivated. The previously disturbed detoxication recommences. The intermediary homotoxins thereby put into solution or released must, through the massive attack of inflammatory processes (reaction phase), be decomposed, which is identical to the occurrence of abscesses, angina or the recurrence of the acute phases of old foci. In such cases, Arsuraneel is given in massive initial-dose therapy, possibly with  Cruroheel S and Bryaconeel. In many cases Arsuraneel acts suddenly, e.g. in skin diseases with pruritus, chronic otitis media (in addition to Cruroheel S, Traumeel S, etc.).

The dosage is adjusted according to the disease, the symptoms and the stage of the illness: 1 tablet 2-4 times daily, if necessary with the alternating remedies also indicated. For serious disorders brief massive initial-dose therapy, e.g. 1 tablet to be dissolved on the tongue 2-4 times every 15 minutes.