Solidago compositum S

Solidago compositum S

Injection solution Composition:

2.2 ml cont.: Solidago virgaurea D3, Berberis vulgaris D4, Vesica urinaria suis D8, Pyelon suis D10, Ureter suis D10, Urethra suis D10, Terebinthina laricina D6, Mercurius sublimatus corrosivus D8, Arsenicum album D28, Cuprum sulfuricum D6, Bucco D8, Hepar sulfuris D10, Capsicum annuum D6, Orthosiphon aristatus D6, Equisetum hyemale D4, Pareira brava D6, Cantharis D6, Apisinum D8, Baptisia tinctoria D4, Natrium pyruvicum D10, Pyrogenium-Nosode D198, Sarsaparilla D6, Bacterium coli-Nosode D13, Coxsackie-Virus A9-Nosode D8, Argentum nitricum D6 22 µl each.


Stimulation of the endogenic defensive mechanisms in acute and chronic diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract, such as cystitis, cystopyelitis, nephrolithiasis, hydronephrosis, nocturnal enuresis, the 1st stage of prostatic adenoma, urethal stenose, incontinentia urinae, nephrosis and nephrosclerosis, hypertonia, acute glomerulonephritis and for stimulation of excretion from the kidneys, e.g. in the case of hyperhidrosis, sudoresis of the feet, eczema.


None known.

Side effects:

In rare cases, increased flow of saliva may occur after taking this preparation. If this happens, the therapist should be consulted.

Interactions with other medication:

None known.


In acute disorders daily, otherwise 3-1 times weekly 1 ampoule i.m., s.c., i.d., or if necessary, i.v.

Package sizes:

Packs containing 5, 10, 50 and 100 ampoules of 2.2 ml.

Pharmacological and clinical notes

Solidago virgaurea (golden rod)

Nephritis and nephrosis with hydropic conditions and albuminuria; prostatic adenoma, cystitis, cystalgia, dysuria, strangury.

Berberis vulgaris (barberry)

Renal and vesical disorders, nephrolithiasis. Vesica urinaria suis (bladder)

Cystitis, vesical tenesmus. Pyelon suis (pelvis of the kidney)

Hydronephrosis, chronic pyelitis, nephrolithiasis. Ureter suis (ureter)

Disturbances of renal excretion, nephrolithiasis, nephrosis. Urethra suis (urethra)

Chronic irritative conditions in the urethra and urogenital system, urethral stricture. Terebinthina laricina (oil of turpentine)

(Focal) nephritis, cystopyelitis, nephrolithiasis, haematuria. Mercurius sublimatus corrosivus (mercury (II) chloride)

Suppuration, inflammation of the mucosa, nephrosis, vesical tenesmus. Arsenicum album (white arsenic)

Glomerulonephritis; nephrolithiasis, especially colic on the right side, albuminuria, nephrogenic oedema of the skin, disorders worse around midnight.

Cuprum sulfuricum (copper sulphate)

Cramp of the smooth and striped musculature, uraemia. Bucco (buchu leaves)

Cystalgia, cystitis, gravel.

Hepar sulfuris (calcium sulphide)

Tendency towards suppuration, urinary disorders, hypersensitivity to cold, nephrosis. Capsicum annuum (capsicum)

Urethritis, strangury, cystitis with chorda. Orthosiphon aristatus (orthosiphonin) Vesical and renal calculi, uric acid diathesis. Equisetum hyemale (rough horse-tail)

Cystitis, cystopyelitis, nephrolithiasis, enuresis nocturna, cystalgia. Pareira brava (pareira)

Inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract, such as cystitis, cystopyelitis, prostatic adenoma (1st stage).

Cantharis (Spanish fly)

Serious strangury with burning pains, nephritis, cystitis, urethritis, prostatitis. Apsinum (bee venom)

Vesical tenesmus, albuminuria, nephritis. Baptisia tinctoria (wild indigo)

Septic conditions, cystopyelitis, malodorous urine, nephrolithiasis. Natrium pyruvicum (sodium pyruvate)

Active factor of the citric acid cycle and of redox. Pyrogenium-Nosode (pyrogenium nosode)

Tendency towards suppuration, septic conditions, nephritis. Sarsaparilla (sarsaparilla)

Increasingly painful micturition, subsiding immediately when the bladder is emptied, gravel.

Bacterium coli-Nosode (Escherichia coli nosode) Coli infection, cystitis.

Coxsackie-Virus A9-Nosode (Coxsackie virus A9 nosode) Affections of the urinary passages, affections of the epididymis. Argentum nitricum (silver nitrate)

Chronic catarrh of the mucosa, nephritis, enuresis.

Based on the individual homoeopathic constituents of Solidago compositum S, therapeutic possibilities result for the treatment of acute and chronic diseases of the kidneys and urinary passages such as cystitis, cystopyelitis, nephrolithiasis, hydronephrosis, enuresis nocturna, prostatic adenomas (1st stage), urethral stricture, incontinentia urinae, nephrosis and nephrosclerosis, hypertonia and also for acute glomerulonephritis as well as to stimulate the renal excretion in other defective functions such as hyperhidrosis, sudoresis of the feet, emphysema, eclampsia, eczema, and as auxiliary remedy in hepatic diseases, etc.

The great significance of the kidneys in respect of the elimination of intermediary homotoxins-homotoxones, or those capable of passage into the urine, is evident also from the enormously increased number of people with difficulties in renal excretion (as a result of toxic or therapeutical impairment).

In addition, Berberis-Homaccord is to be recommended, possibly mixed with other biotherapeutic-antihomotoxic remedies indicated, when also enzyme-regenerating antihomotoxic agents such as Coenzyme compositum, Ubichinon compositum, possibly also Hepar compositum and Thyreoidea compositum can be interposed; in excessive hypertonia also Rauwolfia compositum. Intermediate injections of Engystol  N and Traumeel S may be equally benefical. In case renal colic occurs, Atropinum compositum. In pyuria or cystopyelonephritis, the combination with Cantharis compositum S and possibly Cystopyelonephritis-Nosode-Injeel is recommended.

The dosage is adjusted according to the disease, the clinical picture and the stage of the illness: In acute disorders 1 ampoule daily, possibly alternating with Echinacea compositum S, Traumeel S, etc., otherwise 1 ampoule i.m., s.c., i.d., possibly i.v. once to 3 times weekly.