

  • Drops
  • Injection solution Composition:

Drops: 100 ml cont.: Crataegus Ø  70 ml; Spigelia anthelmia D2, Kalium carbonicum D3 1 ml each. Contains 45 vol.-% alcohol.

Injection solution: 1.1 ml cont.: Crataegus D2 8.8 µl; Spigelia anthelmia D1, Kalium carbonicum D2 1.1 µl each.


Drops: Geriatric heart, sequelae of myocardial damage, nervous cardiac disorders, piercing cardiac pain, and cardiac pain of other types (e.g., anginose complaints).

Injection solution: Coronary insufficiency, angina pectoris, piercing cardiac pain, cardiac pain of other types, infectious-toxic myocardial insufficiency, status following myocardial infarction.


The physician should determine dosage in accordance with the individual needs of the patient.

Drops: Typical dosage for longterm therapy: 10-20 drops, 3 times a day; in case of acute symptoms, 10 drops every 15 minutes at the beginning of severe complaints (Caution: the patient should not take the medication in this dosage over  lengthy periods of time without control by a physician).

Injection solution: In case of acute symptoms, 1 ampoule daily (possibly even every 6- 8 hours), otherwise 1 ampoule 3-1 times weekly i.m., s.c., i.d., i.v.

Package sizes:

Drops: Drop bottles containing 30 and 100 ml.

Injection solution: Packs containing 5, 10, 50 and 100 ampoules of 1.1 ml.

Pharmacological and clinical notes

Crataegus (whitethorn)

Senile heart, pre-insufficiency, coronary insufficiency, angina pectoris, post-infectious and focal-toxic myocardial weakness, supplementary remedy to cardiac glycosides, general sedative.

Spigelia anthelmia (Indian pink)

Stabbing pains in the heart, violent palpitations of the heart with intense stabbing pains at the apex of the heart, in the pectoral region, radiating to the left arm, extra systoles, pericarditis, endocarditis (rheumatic), stenocardia.

Kalium carbonicum (potassium carbonate)

Cardiac pangs, stabbing pains in the heart, arrhythmia cordis, myocardial impairment, conditions of exhaustion, tendency towards oedema.

Crataegus acts primarily on the strained heart, which has suffered muscular damage and of which the efficiency has been reduced by physiological aging processes. Crataegus raises the volume of the coronary flow and promotes the blood and oxygen supply of the myocardium, exerting a regulating effect on the blood pressure. This action is supported synergistically by Spigelia anthelmia (stabbing pains which radiate to the neck and into the left arm; irregular pulse) as well as by Kalium carbonicum (arrhythmia, myocardial weakness, pains on the right side of the thorax),  the potassium deficiency of the aging myocardial cells being influenced favourably.

Based on the individual homoeopathic constituents of Cralonin, therapeutical possibilities result for its administration as basic medicament in cardiac and circulatory disorders, senile and strained heart, coronary disturbances of the circulation; myocardial weakness, degenerative, toxic and of (post-) infectious origin; disturbances of the rhythm, maintenance therapy in compensated disorders, (re-)infarct prophylaxis, cor nervosum.

Arrhythmia perpetua (in this case possibly with Chelidonium-Homaccord in alternation, for the purpose of improving the hepatic function and supplying bile acids, which have a favourable action in arrhythmia).

In coronary disorders complicated by osteochondrosis (intervertebral angina pectoris, irradiating neuralgia), taking in addition Cardiacum-Heel, Colocynthis-Homaccord, Ranunculus-Homaccord, etc. In infectious diseases, pneumonia, etc., to improve the circulatory functions, as well as for cardiac protective therapy.

The dosage is adjusted according to the disease, the symptoms and the stage of the illness: 20 drops 3-4 times daily in long-term treatment. For acute disorders (stabbing pains in the heart, etc.) massive initial-dose therapy: 10 drops every 10-15 minutes until improvement is observed. After myocardial infarction, in frequent alternation with Veratrum-Homaccord, Cardiacum-Heel, and possibly Vomitusheel (reflex vomiting)

until improvement is observed. In long-term treatment, 1 ampoule 1-3 times weekly s. c., i. m., i.v., in acute disorders, daily. For the condition following myocardial infarction,

1 ampoule 1-3 times daily, possibly alternating or as mixed injection with Carbo vegetabilis-Injeel, Angio-Injeel, Cor compositum, intermediate acids of the citric acid cycle, etc.