Viscum compositum medium
Viscum compositum medium
Viscum compositum forte
Injection solution
Viscum compositum medium
Injection solution: 2.2 ml cont.: Viscum album D1 0.11 ml; Viscum album D10, Viscum album D28, Viscum album D198, Adenosinum-3’,5’-monohydrogenphosphoricum D8, Mercurius jodatus flavus D10 22 µl each.
Viscum compositum forte
Injection solution: 2.2 ml cont.: Viscum album Ø 88 µl; Viscum album D10, Viscum album D28, Viscum album D198, Adenosinum-3’,5’-monohydrogenphosphoricum D8, Mercurius jodatus flavus D10 22 µl each.
Biotherapy in cellular phases as well as for pre-operative and postoperative therapy in neoplasia.
The preparation includes an iodine-containing ingredient. In cases of thyroid disorder with reduced iodine tolerance use only on the advice of a physician.
Side effects:
In rare cases, increased flow of saliva may occur after taking this medication. If this happens, the therapist should be consulted.
Intravenous administration may cause hypersensitivity reactions and sudden drop of blood pressure.
Interactions with other medication:
None known.
The dosage must be determined individually and adapted to the reactions of the patient in each case. In general, the injections are administered i.m., s.c., i.d., or if required, slowly i.v., according to the following system:
1st day Viscum compositum medium 2nd day Viscum compositum medium 3rd day Viscum compositum forte 4th day Viscum compositum medium 5th day Viscum compositum medium 6th day Viscum compositum forte 7th day break,
followed weekly by a repetition according to the above scheme.
Package sizes:
Viscum compositum medium: Packs containing 5, 10, 50 and 100 ampoules of 2.2 ml.
Viscum compositum forte: Packs containing 5, 10 and 50 ampoules of 2.2 ml.
Pharmacological and clinical notes
Viscum album (mistletoe)
Precancerous state and neoplasia, sudden attacks of vertigo; headache, especially frontal, constitutional hypertonia, pruritus sine materia.
Adenosinum-3’,5’-monohydrogenphosphoricum (cAMP) (cyclic adenosine monophosphate)
Intracellular control factor, stimulative activation of enzyme systems. Mercurius jodatus flavus (yellow mercury iodide)
Neoplasia, angina tonsillaris, adnexitis.
Based on the individual homoeopathic constituents of Viscum compositum (medium, forte), therapeutical possibilities result for the treatment of all neoplasias as well as preliminary stages (precancerous state), including, in particular, cases arising from therapy, post operationem, after radiation, etc.
Viscum compositum also serves to support general biological therapeutical measures in chronic arthrosis, arthritis, osteopathy, spondylosis, Scheuermann’s disease, etc. (in addition to Zeel, Traumeel S, etc.), further, for arteriosclerosis and wasting diseases (in addition to Cerebrum compositum, Rauwolfia compositum, Coenzyme compositum, Ubichinon compositum, etc.), as well as in degeneration phases of all kinds (to be applied experimentally) to stimulate the body’s own defences. Mistletoe, in addition to combating blood pressure disorders, also finds application as stimulating therapeutical agent in injection form and has been administered for centuries in antihomotoxic therapy for neoplasia, etc. By combination with the intermediary active substance cAMP (cyclic adenosine monophosphate), which exercises a key function, and antivirally active mercury, an intensified combination effect (E. Bürgi) is achieved in cases of neoplasia.
cAMP leads the hormonal and other stimuli reaching the cell membrane further into the cell interior, activated by a phosphokinase, promoting the differentiation of the cell (while it is obstructed by the antagonistic cyclic guanidinomonophosphate – cAMP) and thereby detracting from the unrestrained, undifferentiated growth.
The antiviral action of mercury was recognized many years ago by Wietfeld. In the causation of cancer viral factors (possibly degenerated genes) play a still unexplained role, so that by means of mercury in optimal (non-toxic) dosage, also favourable effects in neoplasia can be achieved.
In particular, the active iodine component in mercurius jodatus flavus, by activating the function of the thyroid gland, stimulates the activity of the connective tissue, decomposing and eliminating the homotoxins arising in the neoplasia. The dosage of
the three constituents is selected in such a way that the decisive main action of Viscum against tumour development is supported by the mercury component in the form of a controlled regulation of the DNA function against alien genes (viruses) and promoted in the form of a throttling of the unfettered undifferentiated growth of cancer cells by cAMP.
Viscum compositum, due to the comparatively low dilution (especially in the forte preparation) has a sustained action by raising the defensive capacity. This can be recognized from the fact that, as a sign of the mobilization of the defensive forces against toxins, fever can occur. This “patient’s own curative fever” must in no circumstances be attacked with any fever-suppressing measures. Even biological remedies for inflammation should not be used immediately in such cases, but the body’s own curative fever reaction must, at least at first, be allowed free play (in the same way as after Echinacea compositum forte S) . The number of usual, as well as forte, injections is adjusted according to the reactions occurring to the injections. If fever or increased exhaustion results, further daily injections should not be given immediately, but one or two days should be allowed to pass until the reaction has subsided.
In order to provide powerful stimulation to the defensive system, alternating injections with Echinacea compositum forte S are to be recommended, as by means of the concentrated Echinacea extract administered i.v., Ioosening, conversion and elimination of the causal homotoxins and the homotoxically damaged, degenerated tissue (neoplasia) can possibly be set in motion. Especially the pendular administration of Viscum compositum (medium and forte) and Echinacea compositum forte S can lead to very good therapeutical results, including in cases of plexus irritation with painful conditions. Initially, for 3 to 4 days, Echinacea compositum forte S is administered alone daily i.v. and then alternated daily with Viscum compositum (medium or forte) or in reverse order.
For gynecological neoplasia with plexus irritation, Apis-Injeel S (i.v.) and Metro-Adnex- Injeel (s.c.) are suitable as intermediate remedies. The treatment, in general, is carried out in the following way: i.m., s.c., i.d., possibly slowly i.v.
1st day Viscum compositum medium 2nd day Viscum compositum medium 3rd day Viscum compositum forte 4th day Viscum compositum medium 5th day Viscum compositum medium 6th day Viscum compositum forte 7th day break,
followed weekly by a repetition according to the above scheme.
Even with persistent fever, provided the patient’s condition is satisfactory, no chemotherapeutics or antiobiotics, etc., should be given, but then biological therapeutic agents providing cardiac support, and possibly those influencing the inflammatory processes in the form of a natural cure should be administered, e.g. Cralonin, Aurumheel N drops, Traumeel S and further, also Engystol N, Echinacea compositum S (including forte) etc. In the case of excessive reactions after Viscum compositum forte, one again reverts to the initial application of the medium preparation. The interposition and continuance of the therapy with the Viscum compositum forte ampoules depends on the general condition and the compatibility. Naturally, the plan can be varied in such a way that on Mondays Viscum compositum medium, Wednesdays Viscum compositum medium and Fridays Viscum compositum forte are administered subcutaneously, then on the other days, Echinacea compositum forte S. The cozy relaxation and tiredness observed (particularly after the usual dosage, not forte) should be balanced by a complete recuperation (possibly resting in bed), possibly also with an intermission of 3 to 5 days from all injections (awaiting the effect). As oral therapeutic agent, in each case, if other biotherapeutic agents are not indicated, or continuous therapy taking place with Galium-Heel, Ginseng compositum
and Molybdän compositum, 8-10 drops of Podophyllum compositum should be administered orally 3 times daily, possibly more frequently: or there can be daily alternation, orally, between Podophyllum compositum and the above-mentioned combination preparations.
For special disorders the indicated biotherapeutic agents are administered, e.g. Cantharis compositum S when the bladder is involved, likewise Reneel (tablets) and Solidago compositum S (ampoules) etc., and for spasms and pains, Atropinum compositum, etc.
It should also be observed that in numerous cases also exclusive injections i.m., repeated every 2 days, of Viscum compositum forte, possibly alternating daily with i.v. injections of Echinacea compositum forte S are very well tolerated and obviously a powerful activation of the defensive capacity results.
The dosage is adjusted according to the disease, the clinical picture and the stage of the illness.