Pulsatilla compositum

Pulsatilla compositum

Injection solution Composition:

Injection solution: 2.2 ml cont.: Pulsatilla pratensis D6, Sulfur D8, Cortisonum aceticum D18 22 µl each.


Activation of the mesenchymal defensive system. Stimulation of the defensive system, in particular the function of connective tissues, for the increase in efficacy of biological preparations for injection and for the therapy of cellular phases, reactivating of damaged defensive systems, also postoperative.


Initially daily, otherwise 3-1 times weekly 1 ampoule i.m., s.c., i.d., i.v.

Package sizes:

Packs containing 5, 10, 50 and 100 ampoules of 2.2 ml.

Pharmacological and clinical notes

Pulsatilla pratensis (wind flower)

Migrating disorders, vertigo, neuralgic disorders, venous stasis, catarrh of the mucosa. Sulfur (sulphur)

Reagent in all chronic diseases, e.g. for irritating, weeping cutaneous eruptions, malodorous sudoresis of the armpits, pruritus, hot flushes, scrofulous glandular swellings; cellular activity is influenced catalytically.

Cortisonum aceticum (cortisone acetate)

Damage to the cortex of the suprarenal gland, pituitary gland and connective tissue. Based on the individual homoeopathic constituents of Pulsatilla compositum, therapeutic possibilities result for the stimulation of the defensive system, especially  the connective tissue function; in particular also, to increase the action, biological injection preparations (mixed injections), e.g. of Nosodes, for the treatment of cancer as well as for the therapy of cellular phases in general, also to be used experimentally in the treatment of virus diseases (in addition to, or alternating with Engystol N and Thyreoidea compositum); also in therapeutical impairment for the reactivation of damaged defensive systems (bone marrow, interior lobe of the pituitary glandcortex of the suprarenal gland mechanism, liver damage, etc.), also postoperatively after the application of antibiotics, phenylbutazone, etc. Further, Pulsatilla compositum should be administered in order to achieve regressive vicariation, i.e. in the conversion of degenerative phases in inflammatory diseases (reaction phases), when it is attempted to convert the phase in toto and not merely to achieve ulceration of the carcinoma tissue. All feverish conditions arising in the course of the biological treatment of degeneration phases and neoplasia, including the artificially induced attacks of fever in the form of biological fever therapy must, therefore, on no account be treated with any anti-inflammatory or antipyretic measures, as this would render impossible the attempt by the vegetative organisation, through immune reactions and subsequent connective tissue reactions with inflammation and fever, to bring about the degradation and decomposition of defective cell groups or cellularly fixed degeneration phases. Surgical intervention, such as the removal of the tumour in toto, lancing of the abscess, etc., should take place in good time. Radium, Roentgen and cobalt irradiation, etc. should be carried out for the purpose of finally deactivating identifiable, localized neoplasia, also after radical removal, in consultation with the radiologists, according to the  position in each individual case. Fresh cell therapy with the most damaged organs of the defensive system (thymus, liver, spleen, bone marrow as well as thalamus opticus and corpus pineale = epiphysis) should also be tried in cases which have been treated and in final conditions, in addition to other biotherapeutical agents (especially Pulsatilla compositum, Viscum album-Injeel, cAMP D12, etc.).

Further, mixed injections are indicated, in each case according to indications, e.g. Circulo-Injeel (disturbances of the peripheral circulation), Lymphomyosot (mesenchymal affection), Galium-Heel (therapeutical damage, mesenchymal blockage), etc.

Pulsatilla compositum is also capable of correcting excessive reactions, e.g. those arising from a possible overdose of Molybdän compositum. A particularly favourable combination injection is formed by the addition of cAMP D8 or D12 or D30 to Pulsatilla compositum. Pulsatilla compositum is, without question, a preparation having great scope of action and diverse applications, which the biological doctor, from the aspect  of activating the defensive function, especially of the connective tissue, can utilize in various ways, not only in the therapy of viral diseases and neoplasia but generally in cellular phases. Although certain general reactions, including an increase of fever, are quite possible after Pulsatilla compositum (s.c., i.d., i.m., i.v., possibly as mixed injection with others), in its administration so far no situation has arisen showing that the patient has suffered any harm. As inflammation is a biologically advantageous

defensive process against toxins, for this reason, in any defensive reactions which are increased by Pulsatilla compositum, there should be no suppression of these  defensive measures with antibiotics or chemotherapeutics. In such cases, in addition  to possible surgical intervention, biotherapeutics are appropriate such as Traumeel S, Echinacea compositum S, Tonsilla compositum, Engystol N, Sulfur-Injeel S, Hepar sulfuris-Injeel, Mercurius solubilis Hahnemanni-Injeel and other homoeopathic single remedies or combination preparations in injection form (or also orally, e.g. Arnica- Heel); for extremely high temperatures (hyperthermia) Aconitum-Injeel forte S i.v., possibly as mixed injection with Sulfur-Injeel S and Pyrogenium-Injeel. Antibiotics and anti-inflammatories (phenylbutazone, etc.) should be avoided as far as possible, including post-operatively, as also all other drugs which could damage the main defensive system, including the blood picture, bone marrow, liver, etc.

The dosage is adjusted according to the disease, the clinical picture and the stage of the illness: at the start of treatment 1 ampoule daily, later once to 3 times weekly, i.m., s.c., i.v., possibly in mixed injections with Engystol N, Lymphomyosot, Traumeel S, Nosodes, etc.