

Drops _ Tablets _ Injection solution Composition:

Drops: 100 g cont.: Myosotis arvensis D3, Veronica officinalis D3, Teucrium  scorodonia D3, Pinus sylvestris D4, Gentiana lutea D5, Equisetum hyemale D4, Sarsaparilla D6, Scrophularia nodosa D3, Juglans regia D3, Calcium phosphoricum D12, Natrium sulfuricum D4, Fumaria officinalis D4, Levothyroxinum D12, Araneus diadematus D6 5 g each; Geranium robertianum D4, Nasturtium officinale D4, Ferrum jodatum D12 10 g each. Contains 35 vol.-% alcohol.

Tablets:1 tablet cont.: Myosotis arvensis D3, Veronica officinalis D3, Teucrium scorodonia D3, Pinus sylvestris D4, Gentiana lutea D5, Equisetum hyemale ex herba rec. D4, Sarsaparilla D6, Scrophularia nodosa D3, Juglans regia D3, Calcium phosphoricum D12, Natrium sulfuricum D4, Fumaria officinalis D4, Levothyroxinum D12, Araneus diadematus D6 5 g each; Geranium robertianum D4, Nasturtium officinale D4, Ferrum jodatum D12 10 g each.

Injection solution: 1.1 ml cont.: Myosotis arvensis D3, Veronica officinalis D3, Teucrium scorodonia D3, Pinus sylvestris D4, Gentiana lutea D5, Equisetum hyemale D4, Sarsaparilla D6, Scrophularia nodosa D3, Juglans regia D3, Calcium phosphoricum D12, Natrium sulfuricum D4, Fumaria officinalis D4, Levothyroxinum D12, Araneus diadematus D6 0.55 µl each; Geranium robertianum D4, Nasturtium officinale D4, Ferrum jodatum D12 1.1 µl each.


Status lymphaticus (tendency to hypertrophy of the lymphatic organs; tendency to formation of oedemas and to susceptibility to infections); glandular swelling; tonsillar hypertrophy; chronic tonsillitis.


The preparation includes an iodine-containing ingredient. In cases of thyroid disorder with reduced iodine tolerance use only on the advice of a physician.

Side effects:

None known.

Interactions with other medication:

None known.


Drops: In general, 15-20 drops 3 times daily.

Tablets: In general, 3 tablets to be dissolved under the tongue 3 times daily.

Injection solution: In acute disorders daily, otherwise 3-1 times weekly 1 ampoule i.m., s.c., i.d.

Package sizes:

Drops: Drop bottles containing 30 and 100 ml. Tablets: Packs containing100 and 250 tablets.

Injection solution: Packs containing 5, 10, 50 and 100 ampoules of 1.1 ml.

Pharmacological and clinical notes

Myosotis arvensis (forget-me-not) Chronic bronchitis, nocturnal sudation. Veronica officinalis (speedwell)

Chronic bronchitis, cystitis, dermatoses, in particular pruritus. Teucrium scorodonia (germander)

Chronic rhinitis, chronic bronchitis, nasal polypi, tuberculosis. Pinus silvestris (Scotch pine)

Rickets, scrofulosis, bronchitis. Gentiana lutea (yellow gentian) Chronic gastritis, flatulence, diarrhoea.

Equisetum hyemale (horsetail)

Cystitis, cystopyelitis, nephrolithiasis, enuresis nocturna, cystalgia. Sarsaparilla (sarsaparilla)

Irritating herpes, infantile facial eczema, increasingly painful micturition, gravel, cystitis, nephritis.

Scrophularia nodosa (knotted figwort)

Inflammation and swelling of the lymph glands and breast; scrofulosis, particularly in the region of the eyes; eczema.

Juglans regia (walnut)

Lymphatism, scrofulosis, blepharitis. Calcium phosphoricum (calcium phosphate)

Remedy for debility, disturbances of the calcium metabilism, rickets, gastrointestinal catarrh, fluor albus.

Natrium sulfuricum (sodium sulphate)

Chronic hepatopathy, gastroenteritis, asthma, pain in the heels, condition worsening in wet weather.

Fumaria officinalis (fumitory)

Blood purifying agent in excessive homotoxin levels, functional disorders of the liver, eczema.

Levothyroxinum (thyroid hormone)

Metabolic action, promotes oxidation processes in the whole organism. Araneus diadematus (spider orchis)

Hydrogenoid constitution, exudative diathesis, wet and cold worsen all disorders. Geranium robertianum (herb robert)

Diarrhoea, haemorrhages, painful micturation, ulcerations. Nasturtium officinale (watercress)

Diseases of the liver and gall bladder, remedy for gastric disorders, aphtous stomatitis. Ferrum iodatum (iron iodide)

Scrofulous glandular swelling.

Based on the individual homoeopathic constituents of Lymphomyosot, therapeutical possibilities result for the treatment of exudative and Iymphatic diathesis, low resistance, scrofulous and other glandular swellings, tonsillar hypertrophy, chronic angina tonsillaris and retronasalis (pharangeal tonsil), disturbances of somatic and mental development in children suffering from glandular disorders. Cardiac (right and left insufficiency) and renal (nephritis, nephrosis and other diseases of the kidneys) oedema; post-operative and post-traumatic impediments to lymphatic drainage (lymphatic oedema), neurodermatitis, eczema, endogenous dermatosis; important detoxicating and drainage agent in all impregnation, degeneration and neoplasm phases as well as in hepatic diseases as mesenchymal purge.

The dosage is adjusted according to the disease, the clinical picture and the stage of the illness: 10-20 drops 3 times daily over a fairly long period. In renal oedemas (nephrosis), treatment is necessary for several months (in addition, Albumoheel S, Berberis-Homaccord, etc.). In (pre-)cancerous dermatitis, the action of Lymphomyosot in promoting detoxication should be supported by simultaneous medication with Hepeel, Psorinoheel, Galium-Heel and possibly also with Engystol N and Traumeel S. In acute disorders, 1 ampoule daily; otherwise 1 ampoule i.m., s.c., i.d., i.v. once to 3 times weekly.