Syzygium compositum

Syzygium compositum

Drops Composition:

100 g cont.: Secale cornutum D6, Syzygium cumini D8, Lycopodium clavatum D4, Natrium sulfuricum D10, Acidum alpha-ketoglutaricum D8, Natrium choleinicum D6, Phlorizinum D10, Plumbum metallicum D18, Arsenicum album D8, Ignatia D4, Acidum phosphoricum D4, Acidum sulfuricum D8, Acidum sarcolacticum D4, Kreosotum D6, Kalium picrinicum D4, Curare D8, Hepar suis D10, Pankreas suis D10 1g each. Contains 35 vol.-% alcohol.


Stimulation of the defensive system and of the glandular function in adult-onset diabetes and the disturbances of health involved.


In general, 10 drops 3 times daily.

Package sizes:

Drop bottles containing 30 and 100 ml.

Pharmacological and clinical notes

Secale cornutum (spurred rye)

Paresthesia, disturbances of the peripheral circulation, crural ulcers. Syzygium cumini (jambul)

Diabetes mellitus, especially senile diabetes. Lycopodium clavatum (club-moss)

Diseases of the liver, gall bladder and cystic duct, loss of appetite or Iycorexia and a feeling of satiation after eating very little, meteorism, uric acid diathesis.

Natrium sulfuricum (sodium sulphate)

Chronic hepatopathy, gastro-enteritis, uric acid diathesis, worsening of condition in wet weather.

Acidum alpha-ketoglutaricum (a-ketoglutaric acid)

Active factor of the citric acid cycle and of redox systems, dermatosis, feeling of exhaustion.

Natrium choleinicum (sodium cholate)

Hepatopathy with and without icterus, chronic gastro-enteritis. Phlorizinum (phlorizin)

Diabetes mellitus. Plumbum metallicum (lead)

Arteriosclerosis, nephrosclerosis, paresis with emaciation, muscular atrophy, spasmodic constipation.

Arsenicum album (white arsenic)

Exhaustion, restlessness, anxiety, insatiable thirst (patient drinks only small draughts  of warm water), emaciation.

Ignatia (St. Ignatius’ bean)

Migraine, lability of mood, tearfulness, vegetative dystonia. Acidum phosphoricum (phosphoric acid)

Physical and mental exhaustion, emaciation, acid vomit. Acidum sulfuricum (sulphuric acid)

Chronic gastritis, diabetes, catarrhal inflammation of the mucosa with a tendency towards haemorrhages.

Acidum sarcolacticum (sarcolactic acid)

Acid-base regulation in the connective tissues Kreosotum (beech tar creosote)

Catarrh of the mucosa with acrid secretions, secondary conditions from diabetes, such as pruritus, cataract, gangrene, disorders of the peripheral circulation.

Kalium picrinicum (potassium picrate) Conditions of exhaustion.

Curare (arrow poison)

Paralysis and debility of the musculature, especially after over-exertion; diabetes mellitus.

Hepar suis (liver)

Stimulation of the detoxicating hepatic function. Pankreas suis (pancreas)

Pancreopathy, chronic enteritis, marasmus, cachexia.

Based on the individual homoeopathic constituents of Syzygium compositum, therapeutic possibilities result for the complementary treatment of diabetes and the associated disturbances to health. A strict distinction should be made in this  connection between the comparatively innocuous senile diabetes, which can be regulated, to a great extent, dietetically, and the prognostically usually considerably more unfavourable malignant juvenile diabetes which, in principle, is based on serious enzyme or system damage of retoxic causation (hypophyseal-adrenal system, pancreatic and hepatic enzymes and probably also the thyroid gland). The first form, which represents the overwhelming majority of cases, can be effectively influenced by biotherapeutic means, namely with:

  1. Regulation of the diet, i.e. strict prohibition of the ingestion of pork (including sausages of all kinds, bacon, ham, lard, etc.), possibly a daily ration of oat flakes (only 1-2 dessertspoonsful or a small plate of porridge or gruel in the morning); as meat mainly beef, mutton, poultry; fish and egg dishes and, first and foremost, vegetables (varieties of cabbage, salads, etc.), taking into consideration the usual calorie charts. Never overeat, when feeling satiated, stop immediately!
  2. Stimulation of the organ and enzyme functions with specifically oriented homoeopathic remedies, enzyme factors and organ extracts (in not too high a dosage, as the medium to higher potencies show a considerably better action with constitutionally far-reaching subsequent effects).

The therapeutical efforts can be considerably aided by intermediate injections of Hepar compositum, further by enzyme-stabilizing injections such as Coenzyme compositum

ampoules, Ubichinon compositum ampoules, possibly also Thyreoidea compositum and Tonsilla compositum ampoules (stimulation of the defensive system), likewise by Hepeel, Chelidonium-Homaccord, Momordica compositum, Ceanothus-Homaccord, etc. (the latter possibly by oral medication). As must be assumed on the basis of cases shown by the anamnesis to be previously affected, the malignant juvenile diabetes is founded on earlier serious (re)toxic damage (including from chemotherapeutic agents, often through sulphonamides which have been used in the treatment of angina tonsillaris and acute reaction phases of other kinds). In these cases, serious disturbances of the regulatory system are present, not only of the adrenal system and pancreas but also of the central hormonal or neurohormonal control (Claude Bernard’s diabetic puncture, from which it emerges that also influencing the microbial flora can lead to diabetes). Therefore, in general, one will not be able to manage without continuous insulin injections. In these cases, also the regular consumption of gruel is  to be implicitly recommended, as oats obviously contain an antidiabetogenic (antiketogenic) principle. In juvenile diabetes, every attempt should be made, by the administration of Syzygium compositum (orally), possibly in addition Galium-Heel and Psorinoheel as well as the preparations Ubichinon compositum, Coenzyme compositum ampoules, possibly also Thyreoidea compositum and  Tonsilla compositum ampoules in alternating injections (in addition to Traumeel S, Engystol N, Hepeel and possibly Lymphomyosot as well as suitable suis-organ preparations), to achieve, through regressive vicariation, i.e. intercurrently occurring infectious diseases or reaction phases such as angina tonsillaris, influenzal infections, etc., a biologically correct restoration of the degeneration phase which, otherwise, would proceed deleteriously.

In diabetics, practically every reaction phase of the acute or chronic type (e.g. fistular suppurations, the development of eczema and other skin diseases, etc., as well as influenza, angina, etc.) represents an alternative phase through which the intermediary homotoxins are eliminated. Therefore, such reaction (alternative) phases should not be suppressed, since otherwise an acute transmission to the catastrophic degeneration phase (coma diabeticum) would be imminent. Necessitous times have demonstrated reliably that senile diabetes, frequently, and possibly entirely, determined genetically, in the end merely represents a biologically advantageous defensive mechanism of the organism, of homotoxic causation, in order to eliminate the surplus supply of nutrient constituents (particularly in the form of pork) in the simplest way, i.e. through the intermediary product glucose, which in the organism (generally as energy carrier) is easily transportable and always accessible. When diabetes mellitus is considered from this point of view, the improvement achieved through suitable dietetic measures becomes self-explanatory, when in no way should the restriction of carbohydrates (particularly in the form of vegetables) be placed first and foremost, but above all, the omission of foodstuffs considered to be of high calorie content, and of substances containing toxins which might encourage the tendency to acidification associated with diabetes (particularly meat substances in any form). At the same time, in the benign forms of diabetes there is usually also a tendency to arteriosclerosis, which can also  be treated with Syzygium compositum, when preparations such as Cralonin, Melilotus- Homaccord, Aurumheel N drops and injection preparations such as Rauwolfia compositum (hypertonic) can be interposed. If diabetic patients undergo disturbances of the peripheral circulation, possibly even with gangrene formation, injections of Placenta compositum, Circulo-Injeel and as single remedy Natrium pyruvicum-Injeel are indicated.

Diabetes must, like all defensive reactions to toxins in general, be called an “illness” and be considered in the total biological picture of the organisms and not, perhaps, as a localized disturbance of the pancreas. This leads to the therapeutical action on the most varied factors, particularly in the form of a correct adjustment of nutrition (pork in any form is strictly forbidden) as well as on the appropriate auxiliary factors (hepatic

function, activation of the connective tissue), when Syzygium compositum represents an important preparation for long-term medication.

The most effective injection for diabetes mellitus has proved to be Coenzyme compositum ampoules; for diabetic gangrene, in addition to Circulo-Injeel, in particular Natrium pyruvicum-Injeel (1 ampoule s.c. 3 times weekly).

The dosage is adjusted according to the disease, the clinical picture and the stage of the illness: 10 drops twice to 4 times daily; at the start of treatment for about 5 days, 6 times daily.