Echinacea compositum S

Echinacea compositum S

Injection solution Composition:

Echinacea compositum forte S

2.2 ml cont.: Echinacea angustifolia D3, Aconitum napellus D3, Sanguinaria canadensis D4, Sulfur D8, Baptisia tinctoria D4, Lachesis mutus D10, Bryonia cretica D6, Eupatorium perfoliatum D6, Pulsatilla pratensis D8, Mercurius sublimatus corrosivus D8, Thuja occidentalis D8, Influenzinum-Nosode D13, Phosphorus D8, Cortisonum aceticum D13, Streptococcus haemolyticus-Nosode D18, Staphylococcus- Nosode D18, Phytolacca americana D6, Pyrogenium-Nosode D198, Zincum D10, Gelsemium sempervirens D6, Hepar sulfuris D10, Rhus toxicodendron D4, Arnica montana D4, Arsenicum album D8, Argentum nitricum D8, Euphorbium D6 22 ml each. Echinacea compositum forte S:

2.2 ml cont.: Echinacea angustifolia D3 0.44 ml; Aconitum napellus D5, Sanguinaria canadensis D6, Sulfur D10, Baptisia tinctoria D6, Lachesis mutus D12, Bryonia cretica D8, Eupatorium perfoliatum D8, Pulsatilla pratensis D10, Mercurius sublimatus corrosivus D8, Thuja occidentalis D10, Influenzinum-Nosode D15, Phosphorus D10, Cortisonum aceticum D15, Streptococcus haemolyticus-Nosode D20, Staphylococcus- Nosode D20, Phytolacca americana D8, Pyrogenium-Nosode D200, Zincum metallicum D12, Gelsemium sempervirens D8, Hepar sulfuris D12, Rhus  toxicodendron D6, Arnica montana D6, Arsenicum album D10, Argentum nitricum D10, Euphorbium D8 22 µl each.


Stimulation of the body’s intrinsic defence in cases of fever and inflammation, postvaccinal encephalitis, influenza, angina, furuncles, abscesses, phlegmons, focal toxicosis, gingivitis, stomatitis, sinusitis, gastroenteritis, enterocolitis, cystitis, pyelitis, colpitis, leucorrhea, adnexitis, glomerulonephritis, fistular suppurations, osteomyelitis, otitis media, chronic cerebral abscess, meningitis, anthrax, carbuncles,  mononucleosis, skin diseases, mastitis.


Echinacea compositum S: Hypersensitivity to one of the active ingredients, or to botanicals of the Compositae family or the genus Rhus of the Anacardiaceae family.

Echinacea compositum forte S: Hypersensitivity to one of the active ingredients, or to botanicals of the Compositae family.

Side effects:

In isolated cases, hypersensitivity reactions may occur. In rare cases, increased flow of saliva may occur after taking this medication. If this happens, the therapist should be consulted.

Interactions with other medication:

None known.


For the general stimulation of the defensive system: 1 ampoule i.m., s.c., i.d., or, if necessary, i.v., should be administered, 1-3 times weekly. The intramuscular or intravenous injection and dose must be adapted to the individual case and the reaction of the patient. If a rapid and pronounced reaction is sought, Echinacea compositum forte S should be given. If a milder reaction is sought in the case of patients who are already feverish, Echinacea compositum S should be given.

Package sizes:

Packs containing 5, 10, 50 and 100 ampoules of 2.2 ml.

Pharmacological and clinical notes

Echinacea angustifolia (narrow-leaved cone flower)

Strengthening of the mesenchymal defenses; inflammation of every kind and location, septic processes.

Aconitum napellus (monkshood)

Fever with hot, dry skin, influenza, neuralgia, inflammatory rheumatism. Sanguinaria canadensis (blood-root)

Influenza with neuralgic disorders, catarrh of the respiratory passages, coughs, dyspnea.

Sulfur (sulphur)

Reagent, cellular activity is influenced catalytically, skin diseases, hepatopathy, catarrh of the upper part of the respiratory tract.

Baptisia tinctoria (wild indigo)

Typhoid fever with stupor, septic conditions, stomatitis. Lachesis mutus (bushmaster)

Inattention to worsening condition, patient believes that he is being poisoned, hot flushes, septic condition.

Bryonia cretica (bryony)

Inflammation of all serous membranes, inflammatory rheumatism, pleuritis, enlargement of the liver.

Eupatorium perfoliatum (thoroughwort)

Influenzal infections, influenza with pains in the limbs (particularly tibialgia). Pulsatilla pratensis (wind flower)

Migrating disorders, vertigo, neuralgic disorders, venous stasis, catarrh of the mucous membranes.

Mercurius sublimatus corrosivus (mercury (II) chloride)

Suppurations, abscesses, gingivitis, stomatitis, nasopharangeal catarrh, catarrh of the sinuses.

Thuja occidentalis (Arbor vitae)

Constitutional remedy, particularly for diseases with a tendency towards proliferative processes, antibacterial action.

Influenzinum-Nosode (influenzinum-nosode)

Chronic polysinusitis and other after-effects of influenza. Phosphorus (phosphorus)

Remedy for affections of the parenchyma, damage to the liver parenchyma, bronchopneumonia, laryngitis with hoarseness.

Cortisonum aceticum (cortisone acetate)

Impairment of the cortex of the suprarenal gland, pituitary gland and connective tissue. Streptococcus haemolyticus-Nosode (streptococcus-nosode)

Diseases in which there is a suspicion of involvement of streptococci, e.g. angina, eczema, rheumatism of the joints, endocarditis.

Staphylococcus-Nosode (staphyloccus-nosode)

Diseases in which there is a suspicion of involvement of staphylococci, e.g. hordeolum, blepharitis, furuncles, acne, myocarditis, nephritis.

Phytolacca americana (pokeweed)

Tonsillitis with Waldeyer’s tonsillar ring (inflamed, dark red), acute rheumatism of the joints, mastitis.

Pyrogenium-Nosode (pyrogenium-nosode)

Tendency towards suppuration, septic conditions, influenza with gastro-intestinal complications, cholecystitis, nephritis.

Zincum metallicum (zinc)

Conditions of irritation of the central and peripheral nervous system. Gelsemium sempervirens (wild jasmine)

Vertigo, stupor, headache, nasal catarrh, cardiac pangs. Hepar sulfuris (calcium sulphide)

Tendency towards suppurations, particularly on the skin and lymph glands (furuncles, pyodermia, panaritis, phlegmons), tonsillar abscesses, chalazions, hordeolums.

Rhus toxicodendron (poison oak)

Rheumatism and neuralgia, worse in cold, wet weather; mastitis, whitlows, carbuncles with dark red coloration, tendency towards suppuration, erysipelas, herpes zoster.

Arnica montana (mountain arnica)

To stimulate healing of wounds, myocardial weakness, neuralgia, myalgia. Arsenicum album (white arsenic)

Burning pains, restlessness, conditions of exhaustion, eczema, dermatitis urticaria, acne, psoriasis, glomerulonephritis, myocardosis, etc.

Argentum nitricum (silver nitrate)

Remedy for affections of the mucosa, mucopurulent secretion from the inflamed and ulcerated mucosa, splinter pains.

Euphorbium (euphorbium)

Catarrh of the mucosa of the upper part of the respiratory tract, e.g. rhinitis and sinusitis, catarrh of the ear passages.

By means of homoeopathic remedies, the action of which is directed specifically at reaction phases and septic clinical pictures, also in viral diseases, a broad antihomotoxic reversal effect is achieved in the most varied reaction phases, also with the aid of nosodes and trace elements, particularly when, in regressive vicariation, serious inflammation occurs; in such cases Traumeel S, Engystol N and Hepar compositum (stimulation of the detoxicating hepatic function) may be administered as alternating injections. In feverish reaction phases, in general the usual form of Echinacea compositum S is administered. However, serious toxin levels with sepsis, chronic infections, primary chronic polyarthritis, and in particular precancerous dermatosis and neoplasia, so long as they can still be treated, require a considerable strengthening of the Echinacea components. In these cases, therefore, Echinacea compositum forte S is administered.

In the cellular phases there is frequently a blockage of the defensive system. In addition, because of the disturbance of the fermentative detoxication mechanisms, there is a continual attack by intermediary homotoxins which, for their part, are responsible for secondary syndromes and symptoms of toxic origin. In this case, massive initial-dose therapy (Spitzy) with stimulating drugs is necessary, especially in degeneration and neoplasm phases.

In order to stimulate the defensive system fundamentally and at the same time reopen the valvular functions which may have been obstructed, it is beneficial to administer increasing doses according to the following plan:

On the 1st day: 1/2 ampoule Echinacea compositum forte S i.v.; on the 2nd day: 1 ampoule Echinacea compositum forte S i.v.; on the 3rd day: 1 ampoule Echinacea compositum forte S i.v.; on the 4th day: 2 ampoules Echinacea compositum forte S i.v.; on the 5th day: 2 ampoules Echinacea compositum forte S;

on the 6th and 7th days the treatment should be omitted.

Then possibly only every second day one i.v. injection should be administered; later, only once weekly.

If the fever occurring after the usual intravenous injection of Echinacea compositum forte S has not subsided by the following midday, a day free from medicaments is inserted as early as after the first i.v. injection, in order to allow the defensive system time to react. Further, it can then be ascertained whether the therapeutic fever which may occur is to be regarded merely as a transitory intermediate reaction or whether a general feverish detoxicating reaction on a broad basis has been provoked, as the inflammation is a major, biologically important and, in the case of serious toxication, irreplaceable detoxication reaction. In this way (in the form of regressive vicariation: Reckeweg), even degenerative phases and possibly even neoplasia in reaction phases can be reversed and influenced favourably or even cured.

It is certainly not necessary for favourable regressive vicariations to manifest themselves exclusively as a fever.

In the case of a persistent fever continuing for weeks, in addition to Echinacea compositum forte S, 1 ampoule i.v. every 2-3 days, also interpolated injections of Engystol N and Traumeel S and possibly of Gripp-Heel are beneficial. In addition,

detoxication of the liver by Hepeel, etc., and elimination through the gastro-intestinal canal can be stimulated with Momordica compositum, Anacardium-Homaccord, Mucosa compositum, Nux vomica-Homaccord, etc.