

Suppositories Composition:

1 Suppository cont.: Chamomilla recutita D1, Atropa belladonna D2, Solanum dulcamara D4, Plantago major D3 1.1 mg each; Pulsatilla pratensis D2 2.2 mg; Calcium carbonicum Hahnemanni D8 4.4 mg.


Suppositories for infants and children in conditions of restlessness with or without fever. Also for the symptomatic treatment of common infections.


Unless otherwise prescribed, in acute disorders insert 1 suppository into the anus and repeat on several occasions; after alleviation, 1 suppository 2-3 times daily. For infants (from the first day of life) up to 6 months of age, a maximum of 1 suppository twice daily.

Package sizes:

Packs containing 12, 60 and 120 suppositories of 1.1 g.

Pharmacological and clinical notes

Chamomilla recutita (chamomile)

Hypersensitivity, with stupor (children want to be carried around, one cheek hot and red, the other cold and pale); dry tickling coughs, disorders of dentition in  small children and infants; otitis media, glandular swelling, intestinal colic, restlessness and conditions of excitation, insomnia.

Atropa belladonna (deadly nightshade)

Localized reaction phases, conditions of cerebral irritation with cramp. Solanum dulcamara (bittersweet)

Remedy to counteract the effects of wet weather; sensation of having caught a chill; all disorders are the results of cold and wet or worsen upon exposure to cold, wet weather; gastro-enteritis.

Plantago major (plantain)

Otitis media, toothache, enuresis nocturna. Pulsatilla pratensis (wind flower)

Migratory disorders, remedy for affections of the mucosa; cardinal symptom: tearfulness.

Calcium carbonicum Hahnemanni (inner white part of the oyster shell)

Scrofulous glandular swellings, infantile facial eczema, affections of the mucosa with a tendency to ulceration; improves convalescence.

Based on the individual homoeopathic constituents of Viburcol, therapeutical possibilities result for the treatment of conditions of unrest of all kinds with and without fever, the symptomatic treatment of common infections; conditions of excitation, particularly with tearfulness, moodiness, insomnia; before and after diagnostic and therapeutical intervention.

Based on its composition, Viburcol is a preparation for the symptomatic treatment of restlessness, inflammation, fever and mental variations (tearfulness, moodiness).

In feverish conditions, Viburcol brings about a Iytic defervescence, so that no  hypotonic circulatory disorders occur. With Viburcol, also in infants, gastro-intestinal disturbances can be treated symptomatically. In the foreground are what are known as flatulent colics; here Viburcol has an anti-spasmodic effect (Chamomilla).

By means of the rectal application (non-irritant suppository base) a powerful and usually rapid pharmacological reversal effect (Arndt-Schulz) with antihomotoxic action is ensured.

The action of Viburcol is to be defined as an antihomotoxic detoxicating effect, in which, through the stimulation of the main defence system, an intensified enzyme activity in the form of detoxicating functions is released (homotoxone coupling).

The dosage is adjusted according to the disease, the clinical picture and the stage of the illness: in acute conditions, 1 suppository to be introduced on several occasions in succession, possibly every 1-2 hours. Otherwise 1 suppository 2-3 times daily. Viburcol can be administered innocuously to infants, and, in fact, from the first day of life onwards, without danger of harmful side effects or therapeutical damage. Up to the  age of 6 months, maximum 1 suppository twice daily. Viburcol suppositories can also be administered in the appropriate indications, to adults.