

Drops Composition:

100 g cont.: Kalium stibyltartaricum D4, Hepatica nobilis D3, Atropa belladonna D4, Natrium sulfuricum D4, Arsenum jodatum D6, Quebracho D5 10 g each; Naphthalinum D6, Betonica D2, Anisum stellatum D3, Lobelia inflata D4, Ipecacuanha D4, Blatta orientalis D6, Medorrhinum-Nosode D8, Ephedra distachya D3 5 g each. Contains 35 vol.-% alcohol.


Bronchitis, particularly of asthmatic nature, bronchial asthma, cough (which hardly eases). Prolonged cough of scrofulous children, bronchial catarrh, laryngeal catarrh of different type, certain forms of whooping cough. All types of catarrhal affections of the respiratory tract.


The preparation includes an iodine-containing ingredient. In cases of thyroid disorder with reduced iodine tolerance use only on the advice of a physician.

Side effects:

None known.

Interactions with other medication:

None known.


In general, 10 drops 3 times daily; in acute disorders initially 10 drops repeated every 15 minutes, over a period lasting up to two hours.

Package sizes:

Drop bottles containing 30 and 100 ml.

Pharmacological and clinical notes

Kalium stibyltartaricum (antimony potassium tartrate)

Bronchitis, (broncho-)pneumonia, pulmonary emphysema, coughs with mucous rale. Hepatica nobilis (liverwort)

Pharyngitis and bronchitis with viscid, ropy mucus. Atropa belladonna (deadly nightshade)

Localized reaction phases, conditions of irritation with cramp and delirium, feverish conditions, tonsillitis.

Natrium sulfuricum (sodium sulphate)

Worsening of condition in wet weather (fog), asthma. Arsenum jodatum (arsenic triiodide)

Asthma; dry, irritating coughs; symptomatically or as adjuvant for scrofulous glands  and pulmonary tuberculosis, nocturnal sudoresis.

Quebracho (quebracho)

Bronchitis, smoker’s catarrh, bronchial asthma, emphysema. Naphthalinum (naphthalene)

Asthmatic bronchitis, emphysema, pertussis; dry, ropy mucus. Betonica (betony)


Anisum stellatum (star anise)

Coughs, dyspnea, pain in the region of the third rib. Lobelia inflata (Indian tobacco)

Dyspnea, vomiting, vertigo and nausea with cold sweat. Ipecacuanha (ipecacuanha)

Coughs with nausea, nausea and vomiting, conjunctivitis, chemosis, epiphora. Medorrhinum-Nosode (medorrhinum nosode)

Bronchitis, asthma, frontal headaches, worsening through coughing. Ephedra distachya (sea-grape)

Asthma, dyspnea, pertussis. Blatta orientalis (blackbeetle) Bronchial asthma, expectorant.

Based on the individual homoeopathic constituents of Tartephedreel, therapeutic possibilities result for the treatment of catarrh of the respiratory tract, e.g. Iaryngitis, tracheitis, bronchiolitis, especially with a decrescent tendency, bronchitic asthma.

Adjuvant in (broncho)pneumonia, tubercular and pleuritic irritating coughs, catarrh of the other mucosa, including gastric, intestinal and of the urogenital system.

Catarrh (flow of mucus) aids detoxication. The same applies for the influenza virus which, through the inflammatory process, is broken down and eliminated. Catarrh, therefore, should not be suppressed but its course promoted and accelerated, in order to purify the toxic condition, e.g. in bronchial asthma.

The individual constituents of Tartephedreel give rise to the anti-inflammatory, excretory and detoxicating action of the preparation. The dosage is adjusted according to the disease, the clinical picture and the stage of the illness: for continuous treatment

10 drops 3(-4) times daily. In acute disorders, massive initial-dose therapy with alternating remedies, 10 drops every 15 minutes until an improvement is observed.  The following prescription has proved effective in bronchial asthma:

Husteel 5-8 drops at 8 a.m. and 4 p.m.

Tartephedreel 5-8 drops at 8 a.m. and 6 p.m.

Drosera-Homaccord 5-8 drops at 12 noon and 8 p.m. or all 3 preparations taken together 2-4-6 times daily.