Suis-organ preparations

Suis-organ preparations

What are suis-organ preparations?

An important component of anti-homotoxic therapy is the suis-organ preparation. These are preferably employed for chronic courses of diseases in the cellular phases. Subsequently, they offer an excellent possibility for the reactivation of organ functions, particularly of elderly patients. The preparations are employed according to the simile principle, that is, the respective preparation of the organ to be treated is applied. Suis- organ preparations contain organic tissues which have been homoeopathically processed, i.e., attenuated and potentized in accordance with Specification 42 of the official German Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia 1978 (HAB 1) whose primary materials originate from healthy swine. In accordance with their action, the suis-organ preparations can be characterized as organ-specific medications with stimulative properties. The mechanism through which the suis-organ preparations function is based on the organotropic effects of the substances and/or stimulants contained therein.

Keeping of the donor animals and organ acquisition

The following provides detailed information on the rearing and keeping of swine for the purpose of gaining suis-organ preparations: All swine designated for utilization in gaining organ extracts are descendants from the same breeding line, bred in an operation certified for keeping SPF (”specifically pathogen free”) livestock. This operation is monitored at six- week intervals by the governmental veterinary health service having jurisdiction. At a suitable age, the piglets are transferred and raised in a different agricultural facility. On delivery to this rearing operation, an initial examination is performed by the livestock veterinarian, ensuing passage of which the animals are kept separate from other animals, under veterinary surveillance. Animals requiring medicinal treatment due to any affection are excluded from organ extraction. The animals are given vegetable feed produced on  the operation’s own premises. Both operational proprietors have agreed by contract to utilize neither animal meals from mammals, nor waste materials as feed. Upon attaining slaughtering weight and passing release-control by the jurisdictional public veterinarian, the swine are transported to the nearest abattoir, which must possess E.E.C. status. In accordance with regulations for meat hygiene, a live examination of the donor animals is then carried out, as well as meat inspection ensuing slaughter. In all meats attaining the rating ”suitable for human consumption,” samples are drawn for the following additional tests: bacteriological inspection, a test for inhibitory substances, as well as serological analysis for brucellosis, leptospirosis, and yersiniosis in accordance with the Zoonosis Recommendations (July 8, 1991) of the German Federal Ministry of Health.

Removal of the required organs is subsequently performed in an area entirely separate from the remainder of the abattoir, which is utilized exclusively for this purpose. The organs obtained in this manner remain under quarantine until all examination findings  have been determined. Only then are the extracted organs released for further processing by the quality control department of the Heel company. The organ preparations are first processed by means of potentization, after which sterilization is then carried out. In this manner, the material preserves the character of the living tissue during potentization; also the preparations thus maintain a direct protein correlation with the affected organ. The measures presented here, all of which are additionally documented by means of official veterinary reports, serve to fulfill one objective: to ensure the highest feasible standard of medicinal safety (zoonosis) for the suis-organ preparations.

The swine as a donor animal

The human organism and that of swine demonstrate numerous similarities in the aspects of chemical and biological constitution, thus a situation of homoeopathic similitude exists. The morphological and other biological similarities between the organisms of man and pig have been the topic of repeated reports during the past several decades. An overview of the factors which man and pig have in common as compiled by Kirkman is provided below (Kirkman, R. L. (1989): ”Of Swine and Man: Organ Physiology in Different Species” In: Hardy, M.A. (ed.): Xenograft 25. Elsevier, Amsterdam and others).

Similar characteristics of man and swine (according to Kirkman, 1989):

  1. Size
  2. Dietary habits: omnivorous
  3. Digestive physiology
  4. Nephritic structure and function
  5. Rate and volume of respiration
  6. Location of the coronary arteries
  7. Hemodynamics
  8. Tendency to create fat deposits
  9. Highly susceptible to disease
  10. Social behaviour

From the homoeopathic point of view, therefore, despite the difference in species, an organ preparation acquired from swine and subsequently processed in accordance with homoeopathic techniques may be deemed a simile to the homologous human organs due to the numerous existing functional and structural similarities. As Reckeweg observed, it is on the grounds of these similarities that organ remedies obtained from swine possess greater efficacy than such derived from cattle or sheep.

Suis-organ preparations: fields of application

The suis-organ preparations are employed in treatment of the homologous human organs. The Commission D, the committee in the German Federal Ministry of Health concerned with medicinal processing with jurisdiction over homoeopathy, included the following excerpt in their definition of characteristics for organ preparations manufactured in accordance with the German Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia, HAB 1: ”Homoeopathically- processed organ preparations are applied on the concept that insufficiency or disturbance of the homologous target-organ in humans shall receive succor through the corresponding organ-medication.” Further, the applicational fields are designated by this commission as ”supportive therapy in cases of insufficiency or disturbance of the homologous human organ.”

The suis-organ preparations are indicated particularly, and primarily, in treatment of cellular phases, especially for chronic affections (i.e., the phases of impregnation, degeneration, and dedifferentiation). Yet these remedies may certainly also  find application in phases located to the left of the biological division, e.g., in therapy of pathologically disturbed excretion phases (hyperhidrosis, dysmenorrhea, constipation, eliminatory weakness of the kidneys, etc.) One should also bear in mind that therapy with suis-organ preparations is indicated in treatment of numerous deposition phases as well, such as rheumatic diseases, myomas, adiposis, calculi, and the like.

Dosage and modes of administration

The following table presents a general therapeutic plan for the application of suis-organ preparations in treatment of chronic and/or degenerative organic damage.

Fig. 9

Approximate PeriodsApprox. Periodes
3-4 weeksPreliminary treatment with detoxification agents, i.e. Hepeel, Lymphomyosot, Galium-Heel, Engystol N, Psorinoheel, Ubichinon compositum, Coenzyme compositum etc.
4-5 weeksSuis-organ preparations administered 1-2 x weekly 8i.m.; s.c., i.d., at acupuncture points, orally or as progressive auto-sanguis therapy; initially in injeel form,
after 6-8 injections in injeel-forte form) conjointly with the individually appropriate antihomotoxic remedies.
3-4 weeksSuis-organ preparations discontinued. adjuvant anti- homotoxic medication continued alone. Second injection-series with suis-organ preparations as required.
Upon achieving clinical cure, possible reapplication of organ preparations every 2-3 weeks.

As indicated in the above table, after four to five weeks’ administration of the suis organ preparations in Injeel form, the Injeel forte form is applied i.m. or s.c. on a trial basis, as a type of test ampoule in order to determine the degree in which the affected organ’s functional regeneration has progressed; i.e., whether the healing process has become largely established at that point in therapy or not. In treating severe degenerative phases as well as in therapeutic attempts for dedifferentiation phases more frequent injections may be required (every 2 – 3 days) in addition to the support of agents which foster and promote regressive vicariation (Galium-Heel, Engystol N, Traumeel S). This is performed most conveniently by means of combination injections. Also frequently expedient are such combination injections utilizing the organotherapeutically-indicated biotherapeutic remedy appropriate in each case (e.g., in conjunction with Hepeel). It often occurs that several suis-organ preparations are indicated in a single patient. This is best performed by  syringe, either simultaneously by means of a combination injection, or injected periodically in alternation.

Application of suis-organ preparations through i.v. injection should be initially exercised with restraint. This mode of administration is to be employed only ensuing comparatively lengthy i.m., s.c. or i.d. injection (see above!).

Prior to using the organotherapeutically indicated suis-organ preparation, it is advisable in many cases to apply the corresponding, functionally underlying suis-organ preparation  with toxic cleansing (=channeling) action for a period of 2 to 3 weeks, i.e., for the  treatment of hepatic disorders, Vesica fellea suis prior to Hepar suis, of the renal disorders Vesica urinaria suis and Ureter suis, as well as Pyelon suis prior to Ren suis etc. In case  of severe toxic affliction, the most expedient procedure is to precede usage of the  specially indicated suis-organ preparation with application of the organ preparation Colon suis D10, D30, D200 (1-2x weekly i.m. or s.c. for 2 to 3 weeks). Colon suis is beneficial here as it supports and normalizes the eliminatory function of the intestine.

Employment of suis-organ preparations in progressive auto-sanguis therapy

This is appropriate, for example, in treating iatrogenic damage, toxic hepatic damage, migraine, chronic eczema, bronchial asthma, duodenal and ventricular ulcers, arthrosis, as well as lymphatism. See also the related data on hyperimmunization-therapy employing suis-organ preparations (page 44).

Applicational restrictions

Since immunological mechanisms are stimulated through the suis-organ preparations, a stimulative action of the suis-organ preparations is frequently no longer expected in cases of pronounced cachexia and/or marasmus. On the other hand, a possibly occurring focal reaction during the degradation of damaged cells can endanger cachectic and marantic patients in certain circumstances.

Forms in which suis-organ preparations are supplied

For parenteral (and possibly oral; see point 4!) organotherapy, the suis-organ preparations are available in ampoules of 1.1 ml as potency chords in two degrees of strength: as the potency chord D10, D30, and D200, and as the forte form with potency chords D8, D12, D30, and D200.  A number of suis-organ preparations are available as single potencies  D6 and D200; these are also supplied in ampoules of 1,1 ml. each.


In order to conserve space, the entries below have been presented in condensed form. Both degrees of strength – identified in each case through the corresponding addendum ”Injeel” or ”Injeel forte” – contain potency chords and volumes as indicated above.


Aorta suis-Injeel 1,1 ml injection solution cont.: 0,367 ml each of Aorta suis D10, Aorta suis D30, Aorta suis D200
Aorta suis-Injeel forte1,1 ml. injection solution cont.: 0,275 ml each of
Aorta suis D8, Aorta suis D12, Aorta suis D30, Aorta suis D200. 1,1 ml. injection solution cont.: 0,275 ml each of Aorta suis D8, Aorta suis D12, Aorta suis D30, Aorta suis D200.
Arteria suis-Injeel     1,1 ml injection solution cont.: 0,367 ml each of Arteria suis D10, Arteria suis D30,
Arteria suis D200
Arteria suis-Injeel forte1,1 ml injection solution cont.: 0,275 ml each of
Arteria suis D8, Arteria suis D10, Arteria suis D30, Arteris suis D200.

All the suis-organ preparations are formulated in the same general pattern as illustrated here. Prescriptions should always bear the precise designation ”Injeel” or ”Injeel forte” in order to facilitate acquisition of the proper medication through the chemist and wholesaler.