

Degeneration phase
Main remedy:Calcoheel
Secondary remedy:Osteoheel
Phase remedies:Thyreoidea compositum Coenzyme compositum Ubichinon compositum


(Osteodermal degeneration phase)

(In addition to the usual vitamin therapy)

Calcoheel 1 tablet at 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. Osteoheel S 1 tablet at 12 noon and 8 p.m.

possibly both preparations taken together 2-4-6 times daily. Cruroheel S (genu varum).

Galium-Heel and Psorinoheel, possibly also Lymphomyosot (stimulation of the detoxication of intermediary homotoxins) as intermediate remedy.

Injection therapy

Calcium carbonicum-Injeel forte and/or Calcium phosphoricum-Injeel forte once to 3 times weekly alternating s.c., i.m.

Hedera helix-Injeel, Mercurius praecipitatus ruber-Injeel (forte S) as intermediate remedies i.m., s.c., i.v., further, Lymphomyosot, Osteomyelitis-Nosode-Injeel and Mastoiditis-Nosode-Injeel possibly interposed (with Medorrhinum-Injeel).

Coenzyme compositum and Ubichinon compositum (regulation of enzyme functions), possibly also Discus compositum (action on cartilage and bone), Tonsilla compositum (Iymphatic system), Hepar compositum (stimulation of the detoxicating hepatic functions) and Thyreoidea compositum (general activation of the connective tissue function), otherwise also Os suis-Injeel and Glandula parathyreoidea suis-Injeel i.m.

See also osteoporosis, etc.