Inflammation phase | |
Main remedy: | Osteoheel |
Secondary remedies: | Mercurius-Heel Traumeel |
Phase remedies: | Echinacea compositum Thyreoidea compositum |
(Osteodermal reaction phase) (Main remedy: Osteoheel S)
Traumeel S 1 tablet morning and evening Calcoheel 1 tablet at midday
Osteoheel S 1 tablet in the afternoon
possibly the above preparations taken together 2-4-6 times daily. Traumeel S ointment to break down the chronic pus pockets.
Euphorbium compositum S 8-10 drops 6 times daily. Injection therapy
Traumeel S twice to three times weekly submucosly in the front fold of the mucosa of the cheek, possibly mixed with Carbo vegetabilis-Injeel or alternating with Mercurius solubilis Hahnemanni-Injeel and Hepar sulfuris-Injeel.
Mercurius praecipitatus ruber-Injeel (forte S) in exchange for Traumeel S. Parodontose-Nosode-Injeel as nosode therapy.
Granuloma dentis-Injeel (forte) as intermediate remedy i.m., s.c., i.v., i.d., submucosly. Echinacea compositum (forte) S and possibly Tonsilla compositum as intermediate injections i.m. or s.c., further Coenzyme compositum and Ubichinon compositum (enzyme regeneration), possibly also the collective pack of catalysts of the citric acid cycle (according to prescription), otherwise also Discus compositum (action on bone formation) as well as Testis compositum
(revitalizing effect for men) or Ovarium compositum (for women), possibly also Placenta compositum (peripheral circulation) and Mucosa compositum (action on the mucous membrane), further, as intermediate injections, Thyreoidea compositum (powerful stimulating effect on hormonal and connective tissue functions), otherwise also Gingiva suis-Injeel, Dens suis-Injeel and Funiculus umbilicalis suis-Injeel once weekly i.m. as well as the progressive auto-sanguis therapy with the above mentioned preparations.
See also the biologically, concordant nutrition.