

Deposition phase
Main remedy:Chelidonium-Homaccord
Secondary remedies:Hepar compositum
Nux vomica-Homaccord
Phase remedies:Coenzyme compositum Ubichinon compositum


(Organodermal impregnation phase)

See hepatitis, cholangitis, liver damage and cirrhosis of the liver.

Impetigo contagiosa

(Ectodermal reaction phase)

Mercurius-Heel S (or Traumeel S) 1 tablet 3 times daily. Traumeel S ointment.

Injection therapy

Traumeel S once to twice weekly i.m. with the patient’s own blood, possibly alternating with Cinnabaris-Injeel.

Argentum nitricum-Injeel blended in at intervals.

Hepar sulfuris-Injeel (forte) generally for suppurations, possibly with Staphylococcus- Injeel, Tuberculinum-Injeel or Bacillinum-Injeel (forte) as well as Pyodermie-Nosode- Injeel.

Echinacea compositum (forte) S (provides powerful stimulation of the defensive system). Cutis compositum (regulator of the skin functions), possibly also Cutis suis- lnjeel and possibly Hepar suis-Injeel as after-treatment once weekly i.m.