

The use of catalysts of the intermediary metabolism is a specialty of the anti-homotoxic therapy. The substances designated as intermediary catalysts are physiological constituents of cellular respiration and energy production (citric acid cycle, redox systems). In part these are also substances which are formed during other enzymatic conver-sions and/or are catalytically effective in these processes. Damage to enzyme systems is frequently of iatrogenic nature because many conventional pharmaceutical medications are based on the inhibition of enzymes as the active principle. Enzymes especially are impeded in their activity by increasing environmental stress (e.g., by heavy metals or pesticides). Due to the deficiency of enzyme function a backup of metabolites present before the respective enzymatic reaction occurs as well as a lack of substrates to be metabolized after this reaction.

The administration of the corresponding catalysts in homoeopathic preparations is based upon the concept that the metabolic process is activated and that blocked cell or enzyme functions are reactivated. Since enzyme damage expresses itself as chronic and/or degenerative diseases, the application of catalysts is therefore primarily indicated for such diseases.

Catalysts are substances which accelerate the equilibration of chemical reactions without disturbing the balance of the process themselves. The extent to which a catalyst is able to accelerate a reaction is impressive. An increase of the reaction speed by six decimal powers is not uncommon, since one single enzyme molecule is often capable  of converting more than 10,000 substrate molecules per second. At the end of a reaction the catalyst remains unchanged and is again available to immediately catalyse the same reaction on the next molecule. The described process is designated as catalysis. When  the reactions occur in bio-systems, they are referred to as ”bio-catalysts.“

The catalysis may be additionally increased by activators, but it also may be reduced or blocked by ”poisons“ (homotoxins). The citric acid cycle is the ”turntable of metabolism,“ which represents the principal path of the catabolic metabolism of the pyruvate and/or the acetyl co-enzyme A. It is a basic, closed, reaction path present in humans, animals, and plants; the cleavage products of the carbohydrate metabolism, the oxidative carbohydrate metabolism, the oxidative decomposition of fatty acids and – after transamination – the cleavage products from the protein metabolism as well all end in it. Furthermore, it supplies important elements for synthesis of the organism. In conjunction with the respiratory chain the citric acid cycle is simultaneously the most significant source of energy for the metabolic process. It supplies the hydrogen for the biological oxidation and is thus closely linked to the energy metabolism of the cells.

The elements of the citric acid cycle are Acidum citricum (citric acid), Acidum cis- aconiticum (cis-aconitic acid), Axidum oxalsuccinicum (oxalosuccinic acid), Acidum a- ketoglutaricum (a-ketoglutaric acid), Acidum succinicum (succinic acid), Acidum  fumaricum (fumaric acid), Acidum DL-malicum (malic acid) and the salt Natrium oxalaceticum (oxalo-acetic sodium).

The transformation of one carboxylic acid into the next within the citric acid cycle is mediated by enzymes. The involved enzymes may be inhibited conditionally by noxae (e. g., competitive inhibition, final product inhibition, substrate inhibition), which can lead to concentration variations of single acids of the citric acid cycle. This can in turn trigger reactions or blockades with consecutive symptoms or disease manifestations in various tissues.

It must be taken into consideration that catalysts can only act when the milieu is correct. In control systems and metabolic chains not only the hydrogen ion concentration (pH-value) is involved, but the corresponding substrates and ”co-factors“ must also be available. The co-factors include vitamins and trace elements, including certain metal ions. Some catalysts have to be activated first by these co-factors to render them functionable. Metal enzyme complexes are frequently referred to as metallo-enzymes. Some of these metal ions are ”two-faced“ and while enabling the catalysis in small doses, in larger doses they may inhibit or block functions.

For therapeutic application, the term ”catalyst“ is more broadly defined than in physiological contexts; it includes catalysts in a strict sense (enzymes) as well as the respective substrates, intermediary products, and co-factors.

The available preparations may be classified into three groups:

Group A:                     Acids of the citric-acid cycle and their salts.

Group B:                     Quinones and their derivatives as well as other intermediary respiratory catalysts.

Group C:                     Compounds which effect stimulation: biogenic amines, hormones, elements (cerium), botanical extracts (anthocyanins).

General Recommendations

The implementation of bio-catalysts has a strong stimulative effect on patients (e. g., severe tiredness after administration of the remedy). It is recommended to drink at least 2 to 3 liters during the first three days of treatment and to extense refrain from physical activities as well. In addition a low toxin diet is desirable. Signs of a regressive vicariation should not be suppressed but rather excreted through the assistance of biological therapeutic remedies.

Exact timing is of the greatest importance for the implementation of catalysts. False timing may trigger progressive vicariations in some cases. This phenomenon occurs when the body is in an extremely unstable condition or is too weak to be subjected to a stimulation therapy. It must be particularly ensured with patients in a weakened condition that the treatment is very slowly commenced and is not applied with massive doses of remedies.

Example: Begin with 1/2 ampoule orally 2x weekly or 2x weekly dissolve 1 ampoule in 1 1/2 liters of water and drink this solution in small sips throughout the day. The bio- catalysts frequently achieve the desired effect without the occurrence of severe healing crises.

For all catalyst preparations of Group B, a repetition of injections should only  be conducted after subsidence of the possible occurrence of initial aggravation and always when complaints recur. Furthermore, a proper drainage is important, that is, for patients with severe toxic affliction, the endogenic defence system should be mobilized before the therapy with catalysts.

Three phases of the bio-regulation therapy can generally be distinguished:

  1. Stabilization of the disease process, that is, treatment of possible inflammatory processes, whereby, in certain cases, the conventional therapy may not be dis- continued immediately. A stabilization can be achieved through a diet, sensible life style, sufficient exercise, support of the endogenic defence system, etc.
  • Supplementation of deficient substances, including vitamins and trace elements, as well as the treatment of present dysbiosis. A weakened organism with severe deficiencies and dysbiosis must be treated first with parenteral vitamin pre- parations. With regard to mineral and trace elements, particularly zinc, calcium, potassium, and magnesium are important.
  • Surgical treatment; removal of inflammation centres: e.g., tooth extraction, sanitation of the paranal sinus, removal of amalgam, etc.

Group A catalysts

Acids of the citric acid cycle and/or their salts

General Information

Control systems and metabolic chains can only fulfil their function when all links of the chain are intact; this means for physiological processes that the initial substrate, enzymes, and intermediary products must be adjusted to each other for the individual metabolic process steps (e.g., citric acid cycle). Functional disorders can be generated in the material or dynamic area; the consequences are always reciprocal. The following constellations result there from:

  • The initial substrate is quantitatively insufficient or qualitatively altered. Based on the Michaelis Menten relation of the dependency of the catalytic reaction on the available substrate, a dysregulation is given at the initial step.
  • An insufficient quantity of the enzyme is available or it is completely lacking. The metabolic process is impeded or obstructed at this point. The product to be catalysed is either insufficiently or not formed at all – the metabolic process chain is weakened or interrupted.

These basic processes occur at many points in metabolic process chains. The cited performance of the chain is always determined by the weakest link – substrate, enzyme, or intermediary product. Due to the situation that, after every enzymatic dysfunction, the subsequent product to be catalysed is no longer sufficiently formed, the intermediary products play an essential role in the further course of the chain reaction. Therefore,  during therapy, enzymatic defects should not only be affected with the lacking or deficient enzyme – when at all possible – but should also be specifically treated with the intermediary products behind the enzyme obstruction.

Several enzyme reactions require magnesium or manganese ions as additional activators. Thus, all kinase reactions require magnesium ions for the phosphate transfer, whereas alkaline phosphatases are activated by magnesium and manganese ions and peptidases by manganese. In many cases the magnesium ions can be replaced by manganese ions when necessary. Thus, it makes sense and is understandable that specific therapy with the intermediary catalysts of the citric acid cycle is initiated or combined with an injection  of magnesium and manganese ions as phosphate compounds due to the significance of the anorganic phosphate.

Fields of application

All diseases classified as cellular phases (degeneration phases, dedifferentiation phases) and which are consequently characterized by defective enzymatic control, blockages and/or defective cellular oxidation, e.g.:

  • Paresis, neuralgia, toxic neuritis, vegetative dystonia, migraine
  • Dermatosis, neurodermitis, pruritus (including pruritus vulvae), psoriasis, vitiligo, pemphigus, sclerodermia
  • Bronchial asthma
  • Gastric and duodenal ulcer, hepatosis, cirrhosis of the liver and injurious hepatic disorders, pancreopathy
  • Nephropathy, e.g., nephrosis and chronic nephritis
  • Myocardial    impairment, angina pectoris, treatment subsequent to myocardial infarction, arteriosclerosis, cerebral sclerosis
  • Dysfunction and dysregulation of endocrine glands, e.g., diabetes mellitus, dysthyroidism
  • Precancerous and dedifferentiation phases (previously: neoplasm phases) within any tissue whatsoever
  • During and ensuing X-ray and radioactive exposure (several enzymes, e.g. the maleate dehydrogenase, are sensitive to radiation)
  • Thrombocytopenia, leucopenia


Most expedient is the injection of the individual acids of the citric acid cycle and/or their salts in the sequence in which they are generated within the cell during the course of metabolism to reach all possibly existing defects, obstructions, and instances of faulty regulation. It is advisable in such therapy to inject two to three acids (and/or their salts) simultaneously in the form of a combination injection. For reasons of practicality, these injections are best applied either s.c. or i.m.

As magnesium and manganese ions activate a number of enzymatic processes – the kinase reactions in particular, during which phosphate transfer occurs (see subsection

General Information) – the Magnesium-Manganum-phosphoricum-Injeel included in the combination pack is to be administered with the initial (combined) injection.

The injections are generally applied 1-2x weekly. Upon completion of a series – i.e., after 4 combination injections (see below) – catalyst therapy may possibly require interpolation by a treatment-free interval of 2 to 4 weeks until the injections’ effects have subsided. During this period, however, the indicated anti-homotoxic preparations (Injeels, Homaccords, and other Heel combination preparations, as well as suis-organ preparations and nosodes) are to be applied. Indeed these may also be employed in conjunction with the acids/salts of  the citric acid cycle even during the injection period.

During the intake of a homoeopathic remedy present symptoms may be temporarily aggravated (initial aggravation). The patient is advised to consult his/her therapist.

Plan of subcutaneous injections

Injection 1:Magnesium-Manganum-phosphoricum-Injeel
Natrium pyruvicum-Injeel
Natrium oxalaceticum-Injeel
Injection 2:Acidum citricum-Injeel
Natrium oxalaceticum-Injeel
Injection 3:Baryum oxalsuccinicum-Injeel
Acidum a-ketoglutaricum-Injeel
Injection 4:Acidum succinicum-Injeel
Acidum fumaricum-Injeel
Acidum DL-malicum-Injeel

After an application-free interval of 2 to 4 weeks, repetition of this series of injections.  Each acid and/or its salt may be injected separately and repetitively in the Injeel-forte form as well. This is indicated primarily when a particularly effective action during one of the combined injections listed above (1 to 4) was achieved. The ampoules contained in this combination should subsequently be applied individually.

The diet should include ample fresh fruit, grape juice, bilberries, and beet root. The latter are rich in anthocyanins (activators of cellular respiration, hydrogen acceptors); also refer to intermediary catalysts, Group C: Myrtillus, Beta vulgaris rubra!

Package sizes

Packages containing 5, 10, 50 and 100 ampoules of 1,1 ml each.

Citric-Acid-Cycle combination pack (contains 9 ampoules of single constituent Injeels + 1 ampoule Magnesium Manganum-phosphoricum-Injeel).

List of group A catalysts

The Injeel preparations contain the following potency chord in all preparations: D10, D30, D200 0,367 ml each. Exception: Magnesium-Manganum-phosphoricum-Injeel D12, D30, D200.

The Injeel forte preparations contain the following potency chord in all preparations D6, D12, D30, D200 0,275 ml each.

Acidum cis-aconiticum-Injeel

Acidum succinicum-Injeel

Acidum cis-aconiticum-Injeel forte

Acidum succinicum-Injeel forte

Acidum citricum-Injeel  

Acidum succinicum D4

Acidum citricum-Injeel

Baryum oxalsuccinicum-Injeel

Acidum fumaricum-Injeel

Baryum oxalsuccinicum-Injeel forte

Acidum fumaricum-Injeel forte


Acidum fumaricum D6

Magnesium-Manganum-phosphoricum-Injeel forte

Acidum a-ketoglutaricum-Injeel

Natrium oxalaceticum-Injeel

Acidum a-ketoglutaricum-Injeel forte     

Natrium oxalaceticum-Injeel forte

Acidum DL-malicum-Injeel

Natrium pyruvicum-Injeel

Acidum DL-malicum-Injeel forte

Natrium pyruvicum-Injeel forte

Group B catalysts

Quinones as well as other intermediary respiratory catalysts

General information

Organic compounds which contain one or several carbonyl groups (> C=O) play an important role in electron transfer processes such as cellular respiration and redox reactions without direct O2-involvement. These compounds include quinones, hydroquinones, aldehydes, ketones, and carboxylic acids.

Electron transfers which involve oxygen contain radical intermediates. Radicals can counteract condensation processes as they occur in the impregnation, degeneration, and dedifferentiation (neoplasm) phases in particular. Free radicals are short-lived, highly reactive products of metabolism which contain one or more unpaired electrons (molecules, atoms, and ions). In the 1930s William Koch introduced free radicals and the catalytic effects into medicinal research and employed them successfully for the healing of diverse diseases. At that time, the knowledge of the existence of free radicals was developed based on his research.

The quinones possess the special ability to neutralize oxygen radicals. A quinone therapy improves the cellular respiration (biological oxidation).

Toxins which must be removed during the course of a lifetime can be decomposed by oxidation as well. Oxidation signifies the consumption of oxygen and subsequently, the existence of risk of an inefficient metabolism. It is possible to treat the consequences of a faulty regulation with quinones. Quinone therapy sets high standards on the toxic defence system of the organism. The support of the toxin defence system and a deliberate excretion therapy are important. Bonded amino groups can be transferred to carbonyl groups by transamination and are thus mobilized.

The quinones and methylene blue have certain characteristics in common. For example, both possess the capability of representing the enzyme succino-dehydrogenase (dehydrogenation of succinic acid into fumaric acid) under anaerobic conditions. Without oxygen, methylene blue can serve in place of this enzyme as an electron acceptor.

Fields of application

The preparations within Group B are to be applied preferably for clinical syndromes and/or cellular phases to the right of the Biological Division, i.e., for impregnation, degeneration, and dedifferentiation phases (previously: neoplasm phases).


Dosage must always be determined on an individual basis, depending on each patient’s findings, state of health, and individual response to these preparations, which can vary considerably from case to case – even in instances of identical diagnosis! It is generally advisable to apply the catalyst preparations of Group B once, perhaps twice, weekly (i.m., s.c., i.c.; when required also in the corresponding acupuncture points and possibly i.v.).

We wish to point out that, as with the nosodes, catalyst preparations from Group B may also be advantageously employed in the therapy of cellular phases by administering them in conjunction with those preparations required otherwise.

Special therapeutic stipulations

  1. As a rule, Glyoxal and Methylglyoxal should be applied relatively seldom. For this reason, these two preparations should always be allotted an extensive period of time in which to expend their after-effects.
  • In cases requiring the use of para-benzoquinone, it is advisable to precede such treatment with approximately 3 applications of hydroquinone
  • Quinhydrone should be coupled with a homoeopathic metal preparation, e.g., with Aurum-Injeel, Argentum-Injeel, or Ferrum metallicum-Injeel.

Package sizes

Packages containing 5, 10, 50 and 100 ampoules 1.1 ml each.

List of group B catalysts

The Injeel preparations contain the following potency chord in all preparations: D12, D30, D200 0.367 ml each.

The Injeel-forte preparations contain the following potency chord in all preparations D8, D12, D30, D200 0,275 ml each.



Anthrachinon-Injeel forte            

Naphthochinon-Injeel forte



Chinhydron-Injeel forte

Para-Benzochinon-Injeel forte




Trichinoyl-Injeel forte

Hydrochinon-Injeel forte



Ubichinon-Injeel forte

Methylenblau-Injeel forte

Ubichinon D6; D30


Group C catalysts

Other compounds with stimulative action

General Information

Other compounds with stimulative action and catalytic effects on metabolic and respiratory functions include:

Homoeopathically prepared vitamins of the vitamin B-group as well as of vitamin A and vitamin C (in lowest potency D6, respectively) – as co-factors and/or co-enzymes; compounds with other stimulative and catalytic effects, e.g., biogenic amines such as adrenaline, serotonine (5-hydroxi-tryptamine) and histamine (4-(2’-aminoethyl)-imidazol) and/or their precursors such as the amino acids tryptophane (b-indolalanine = precursor of serotonine) and histidine (b-imidazolalanine and/or b-imidazolylalanine = precursor of histamine) as well as the amino acids cysteine (contains sulphur), Acidum L(+) asparagicum and Acidum glutaminicum, further the degradation products of tryptophane indole and scatole (b-methylindole) and the amino acid derivatives guanidine (Imino-urea) and methylguanidine as well as anthozyanins (activators of cell respiration; hydrogen acceptors) and elements (trace element factors), e.g., cesium and cerium (redox catalytic action).


Generally, injections are administered 1-2x weekly. The injection of one or several catalysts is only repeated after the effect of the previous injection has subsided. As the healing consolidates injections are generally more seldom required.

Package sizes

Packages containing 5, 10, 50 and 100 ampoules 1,1 ml each. List of group C catalysts

Nosode preparations

Definition of nosode preparations

Nosodes are disease triggering agents whose virulence or toxicity was eliminated through homoeopathic processing, but whose information fully attains the recognition mechanisms and enables corresponding stimulation which promotes healing. We differentiate between auto-nosode preparations and hetero-nosode preparations.

Auto-nosode preparations

These are substances gained from the patient’s own organism such as blood, urine, lachrymal fluid, sputum, pus, stools, or diseased tissue. The initial substances are homoeopathically adjusted and applied to the same patient.

Hetero-nosode preparations

These are substances which do not originate from the own organism. There are:

Viral nosode preparations e.g.e.g.
Herpes zoster-Nosode
Coxsackie A9 and/or Coxsackie B4
Bacterial nosode preparationse.g. Tuberculinum
Staphylococcinum Streptococcinum
Vaccine-nosode preparations
(from microorganisms or vaccines)
e.g. Influenza nosode Rabies vaccine Rubeola vaccine
Tissue nosodes (from pathologically altered organs and/or tissues and products of metabolism including body secretions)e.g.
Gastritis-Nosode Tonsillitis-Nosode Sinusitis-Nosode
Mastopathia cystica-Nosode

Source material

Nosodes are preparations produced according to a homoeopathic processing technique from pathologically altered organs or organic constituents of human or animal origin, further, from non-living cultures of micro-organisms, decomposition products of animal origin, or from bodily fluids containing pathogens or pathological products, e.g., liquor, or puncture liquid. The identity of the source material is verified by a protocol of the specialist’s findings of the operation material or laboratory results and, when required, by certificates of the suppliers of the bacteria and viruses. The HAB (German Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia) stipulates that the base material for nosode preparations is first sterilized and that it afterwards complies with the sterility control pursuant to the German Pharmacopoeia (DAB 10). The homoeopathic processing is only conducted upon completion of these prerequisites. Nosode preparations are, therefore, neither vaccines, nor sera, nor other such agents; they are remedies exclusively and purely of a homoeopathic nature. Mother tinctures are manufactured from this source material according to regulations 43 or 44.

The definition of the nosode preparations conforms to the definition of material stipulated in § 3 of the German Drug Law, particularly in items 3 and 4. Thus substances within the meaning of the law are:

  1. Chemical elements
  2. Plants and botanical components
  3. Bodies of animals, including those of living animals as well as body parts, com- ponents thereof and metabolic products of human or animal origin in a proces- sed state
  4. Microorganisms including viruses as well as their components or metabolic products

There are two different directives for the production of nosode preparations, namely the HAB 1 (German Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia) specification 43 for mother tinctures from pathologically altered organs or organic components of human or animal origin and specification 44 for mother tinctures from non-living cultures of microorganisms or from decomposition products of animal organs or from bodily fluids containing pathogens or pathological products.

The following examples illustrate the production of nosode preparations:

Viral nosode preparations

Coxsackie-Virus-B4-NosodeThis is produced from dead Coxsackie-B4 viruses adjusted to 109 plaque-forming units per milliliter.
Herpes Zoster-NosodeThis is produced from dead Herpes-Zoster viruses adjusted to 106 plaque-forming units per milliliter

Bacterial nosode preparations

Bacterium coli-NosodeThis is a preparation produced from Escherichia-coli bacteria cultures adjusted to a specific titer (107 KBE/g).
Bacterium lactis aerogenes-NosodeThis is a nosode preparation produced
from an Enterobacter-aerogenes bacteria culture (107 KBE/g).

Tissue nosodes

Tonsillitis-NosodeThis is produced from surgically removed inflamed tonsils (Tonsilla palatina).
Gastritis-NosodeThis is produced from gastric mucous removed surgically from a gastritis patient
Sinusitis-NosodeThis is a mucous mass gained from inflamed sinuses.
Otitis media-NosodeThe source material is pus from patients suffering from a middle ear infection

General application information

Nosode preparations are applied according to the

  1. symptomatic/anamnestic similarity (simile principle) and
  2. applied at the end and/or after a previously overcome acute illness.

The following remarks refer to the above items:

To a.

The application of the nosode preparations should be administered according to the symptomatic similarity, that on the basis of the fundamental homoeopathic rules of similitude and/or according to the anamnestic etiological similarity to a past illness which has apparently since been cured. The preparation Diphtheria-Nosode (Diphtherinum-Injeel and forte), for example, is not employed primo loco in treatment of acute diphtheria –  which would correspond to a similarity to a developing acute infection – but rather for the treatment of cardiac diseases displaying similar symptoms as are present in a heart damaged by diphtheria (= symptomatic similarity) and/or for the treatment of heart-disease patients whose case history includes diphtheria (= anamnestic etiological similarity).

The following is important when employing nosode preparations under the aspect of current etiological similarities:

All nosodes may be used specifically, i.e., as isotherapeutic agents of the corresponding affections from which they were developed. Generally, they are administered in this case as an intermediary remedy in addition to the indicated homoeopathic remedies, whereby particularly excretive, matrix-channeling anti-homotoxic remedies, (e.g. Lymphomyosot, Galium-Heel), play an important role.

To b.

After the disease has been overcome, nosodes are excellent to induce the toxins deposited in the matrix to be excreted more rapidly. Quite frequently, the toxins removed through this technique are not the sole causative agents but also remnant deposits of contagion with latent pathogenic foci as well as colonies of agents which are no longer pathogenic (sources of continuous exudation). This applies particularly with regards to the infectious diseases such as measles, rubella, varicella, influenza, erysipelas, scarlet fever, typhoid fever, diphtheria etc. It can also be assumed that the specific defence processes against the pathogens are reinduced by the nosode preparations. The clinical confirmation of this immuno-modulative effect is found in the regression of currently forced antibody formations as the expression of the incomplete toxin release of the pathogens. Thus the normalization of a pathologically increased antistreptolysin titer is frequently observed  after the application of the streptococcus nosode.

Indications for a nosode therapy

  1. Chronically exudative diseases
  2. Chronically proliferative diseases
  3. Degenerative diseases
  4. Auto-aggression diseases (Caution!)
  5. Iatrogenic damages

Nosodes may be designated as terrain remedies. Therefore, they are particularly indicated for the treatment of dyscrasia, i.e., constitutional diseases and/or summation states of integrating and/or integrated dispositions. In terms of Homotoxicology, they are useful for cellular phases, especially for re-toxically inhibited phases, for the treatment of auto- aggression diseases (Caution!), of psoric diseases according to Hahnemann, as well as allergies. Auto-aggression diseases should only be treated after corresponding pre- treatment, such as excretion therapies with matrix-channeling anti-homotoxic remedies. Nosodes are not only indicated however for cellular phases but also frequently for humoral phases, particularly when a dyscrasic component is involved or complications threaten to arise or in case of reduced immunopotency.

The effect of nosodes results in terms of a positive vicariation in detoxification and excretion of homotoxins. This signifies simultaneously an increase of the self-healing processes controlled by the defence system. In most cases a summation of known and possibly unknown poisonous substances (homotoxins) is to be assumed, and based on this knowledge is also the necessity and justification of a simultaneous application of a series of nosodes (e.g., Diphtherinum + Psorinum + Medorrhinum), which are to  be applied possibly in conjunction with other single-constituent Injeels, combination preparations etc. as a broad spectrum anti-homotoxic remedy in order to cleanse the cited terrain.

Psorinoheel N (drops, ampoules) is, for example, such a broad spectrum nosode preparation which also contains, aside from the two Psora-nosode preparations (Psorinum and Medorrhinum), vaccininum and bacillinum, furthermore two constitution remedies (sulphur and thuja) and a series of additional homoeopathic remedies. This combination preparation is primarily indicated for the phases of the constitution, i.e., for the cellular phases, as well as for the disposition phases or humoral phases. In case of unclear  clinical syndromes and/or clinical syndromes which cannot be immediately clarified, with regard to the anamnestic etiological similarity as well as with regard to the symptomatic similarity, it is frequently advisable to include such a combination preparation based on nosodes in the therapy plan particularly for the cellular phases.

Nosodes exercise a profound constitutional effect. Virtually every type of therapy can be effectively reinforced with nosode preparations. They frequently fulfil the role of a missing link in a chain of therapeutic reactions, whereby cure without nosodes is inconclusive or can only be achieved with extreme difficulty. The effect occurs thereby via subliminal antigen-antibody-reactions as well as via the homoeopathic counteracting mechanism of co-repressors.


As a matter of principle, dosage is always to be determined strictly on an individual basis, depending upon each patient’s findings, state of health and particular response to each of the nosode preparations, all of which can vary considerably from case to case. In general, dosage consists of 1 ampoule, administered 1 to a maximum of 3x weekly. The duration of therapy with nosode preparations is also to be determined individually, and is to be adjusted in keeping with each given case. A brief interval of treatment (approximately 2 –  4 weeks) is recommended when applied in the aftermath of an acute affection, whereas chronic disorders should receive therapy over a relatively extensive period (approximately 6 months) depending upon the individual reactive condition of each patient.

It is recommended to begin nosode therapy with the normal Injeel form, later adopting application of the forte form, particularly when the corresponding reactions or improvements should fail to materialize as anticipated. In the event the Injeel-forte form should also fall short of achieving the desired therapeutic success, low single potencies are then to be applied.

For example, Anthracinum-Injeel in single potency D10 is several potencies lower than Anthracinum-Injeel forte, which contains the potency chord D15, D20, D30, D200. Bacterium coli in single potency D5 is one potency lower than Bacterium coli-Injeel forte, which applies for several other ”bacterial“ nosode preparations, e.g., also for Bacterium lactis aerogenes, Bacterium proteus, Bacterium pyocyaneus, and Brucella abortus Bang.

Higher potencies (single higher potencies) should only be employed when excessive reactions occur to the normal Injeel form of the corresponding nosode preparations. Thus, Variolinum in single potency D200 and/or D1000 and/or Vaccininum in single potency

D200 will be employed when excessive reactions to Variolinum-Injeel (D20, D30, D200) and/or to Vaccininum-Injeel (D20, D30, D200) occur once.

The following rule for treatment in general is particularly true in regard to nosode therapy: The higher potencies (D12, D30, etc.) are indicated for treating:

  • increased irritability (Arsenic, Phosphate, Iodine or Chamomile Type)
  • diathesis
  • allergy and
  • chronic disorders

The lower potencies (approximately D6/D8 and lower) are indicated in treatment of affections which are more or less acute:

  • slow-reacting types of individuals (Sepia, Nux-vomica, Graphites, Silicea types)
  • when organotropic action on a specific organ is desired (e.g., the tonsils: Tonsillarpfröpfe-Injeel forte and/or Tonsillitis Nosode-Injeel forte, each in potency chords D6, D10, D30 and D200).

Indications for higher potencies generally require relatively lengthy intervals of up to several weeks’ duration between applications.

Conversely, indications for lower potencies usually require only brief periods between applications, approximately 3 doses per week.

The recommended procedure is to commence administration by means of i.m., s.c. or i.d. injection (neural and/or acupuncture points); only in the event that this mode of application fails to evoke response may the corresponding nosode be administered i.v. in appropriate cases.

The application of the nosode Injeels during a progressive auto-sanguis therapy is advantageous. The nosodes should however always be applied during the last stage.

Note on dosage and potentization of nosodes in therapy of children

No essential difference exists between the dosage of nosode preparations and that of other homoeopathic agents in treating young patients, i.e., children receive a (somewhat) smaller dose than the adult patients.

Dosage (per application) for children:

0– 1 years of ageapproximately 0,3 ml
1– 6 years of ageapproximately 0,5 ml
6–12 years of age approximately 0,6 ml
> 12  adult dosage

For children, the lower potencies of D4 – D8 are administered at the beginning of therapy as well as in treatment of affections which are more or less acute; thus the same procedures are followed as for adults. Likewise, the higher potencies (approximately D12– D30) are used in both child and adult patients ensuing initial treatment with lower potencies (D4 – D8) and/or for therapy of chronic affections. Thus the same particulars apply for children in regard to potentization as they do in treatment of adults.


In their capacity as ”terrain remedies,” nosodes provide effective reinforcement for virtually every type of therapy. Nosodes frequently fulfil the role of a missing link in a series or chain of therapeutic reactions, whereby cure without the nosode is inconclusive or can be attained only under extreme difficulty. From a homotoxicological aspect, nosodes are chiefly applied in order to transform cellular phases into humoral phases, i.e., in order to achieve regressive vicariation. Nosodes are indicated in treatment of humoral phases as well, especially in cases which are in jeopardy of lapsing into a chronic condition such as  in which there is impending danger of progressive vicariation.

Therapists working in the field of electro-acupuncture find the use of nosodes especially interesting due to the capabilities of such specialists to precisely determine the corresponding nosodes through the technique of medicinal testing. Thus therapy with nosodes is exceptionally effective in combining ”apparatus medicine” by means of the above-mentioned medicinal testing (bioelectric technique of drug determination), where appropriate, with the therapist’s ”eye for clinical diagnosis” or ”visual diagnosis.” Here, as always, the nosodes are to be administered according to symptomatic similarity, i.e., on the basis of the fundamental homoeopathic rules of similitude and employing the ”diagnostic aid” provided by the anamnesis, whereby any anamnestic, etiological similarity to a past, apparently cured illness is also taken into consideration. One should bear in mind in this respect that the extraordinarily good diagnostician and the excellent therapist is often recognizable by his or her ability to compile a skilful and accurate anamnesis.