

Drops Composition:

100 g cont.: Tanacetum vulgare D1, Artemisia vulgaris D2 30 g each; Artemisia absinthium D4 20 g; Thymus serpyllum D3, Chenopodium anthelminthicum D6 10 g each. Contains 60 vol.-% alcohol.


Nervous irritative conditions of idiopathic nature, particularly during the removal of worms; alternation between loss of appetite and ravenous hunger.


Hypersensitivity to tansy and other botanicals of the Compositae family.

Side effects:

None known.

Interactions with other medication:

None known.


In general, 10 drops 3 times daily.

Package sizes:

Drop bottles containing 30 and 100 ml. Pharmacological and clinical notes Tanacetum vulgare (tansy)

Dysentery, nervous irritation during removal of worms, e.g. contractions, tics, nervous irritation and restlessness in children.

Artemesia vulgaris (common artemesia)

Disturbances in the digestive tract, convulsions, chorea minor. Artemisia absinthium (absinthe)

Gastritis, pyrosis, meteorism, nervous irritability. Thymus serphyllum (wild thyme)

Gastro-intestinal spasms, anthelminthic. Chenopodium anthelminthicum (goosefoot)

Hepatic diseases, hypersensitivity to noise, Menière’s syndrome, anthelminthic.

Based on the individual homoeopathic constituents of Tanacet-Heel, therapeutic possibilities result for the expulsion of worms, with secondary, toxic symptoms, tics, also chorea minor during worm removal (also idiopathic), cramp, loss of appetite and Iycorexia alternating (Tanacet-Heel stimulates the appetite).

The helminths are not killed by Tanacet-Heel, but the homotoxic terrain which is palatable to the worms (excretion of homotoxins in the intestine) is changed. Tanacet- Heel should always be administered with alternating remedies, e.g. with Nervoheel for tearfulness, exhaustion, discomfort; Vomitusheel for nausea and sickness; Hepeel for salivation, disorders of the hepatic functions and anorexia; Spascupreel for intestinal spasms (helminthic coil), intestinal colic, Nux vomica-Homaccord (for ileus arising from the helminthic coil – ascarides); Schwef-Heel for cleansing the terrain; Diarrheel S for dyspeptic phenomena and toxin adsorption.

The dosage is adjusted according to the disease, the symptoms and the stage of the illness: 10 drops 3-4 times daily. For long-term therapy after the introductory dosage: 10 drops twice daily, possibly on sugar.