

Excretion phase
Main remedy:Vomitusheel
Secondary remedies:Gastricumeel Hepeel
Phase remedy:Nux vomica-Homaccord

Vomiting (without organic findings)

(Entodermal excretion phase)

Vomitusheel 8-10 drops every 1/4 hour or 1 suppository every 1-2 hours. Gastricumeel after over-eating, consuming sutoxins, too cold or poisonous foodstuffs, as well as for acetonaemic vomit.

Duodenoheel and Spascupreel for duodenal syndrome. Injection therapy

Arsenicum album-Injeel S, Carbo vegetabilis-Injeel after consuming toxins.

Oxalis acetosella-Injeel, Robinia pseudacacia-Injeel for acid vomit, alternating or mixed

i.v. Cocculus-Homaccord and Vertigoheel (vomiting with travel sickness). Antimonium crudum-Injeel (forte) s.c., i.m., possibly i.v. (acetonaemic vomit).

See also cholangitis, dyspepsia, gastritis, gastroenteritis, ulcers, duodenal and ventricular, travel sickness, pertussis, hyperemesis, etc.