

Inflammation phase
Main remedy:Traumeel
Secondary remedies:Lymphomyosot Zeel


(Mesenchymal reaction or impregnation phases)

Traumeel S drops for the first few hours 1/4 hourly, then 1/2 hourly, on the 2nd day hourly, later 3-4 times daily, 10-20 drops.

Traumeel S ointment to be rubbed in at the place of the injury.

Zeel T ointment and Zeel tablets after the acute symptoms have abated. Injection therapy

Traumeel S and Belladonna-Homaccord (for serious inflammatory symptoms) i.m., i.v.,

s.c. in the affected area.

Zeel P in the region of the joint s.c. or also periarticularly/infiltratively for residual conditions of irritation.

See also wounds.