

Inflammation or Deposition phase
Main remedy:Lymphomyosot
Secondary remedy:Calcoheel
Phase remedies:Thyreoidea compositum Tonsilla compositum


(Lymphodermal reaction phase)

(Main remedies: Lymphomyosot, Calcoheel)

Calcoheel 1 tablet at 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. Mercurius-Heel S 1 tablet at 10 a.m. and 6 p.m.

Lymphomyosot 8-10 drops at 12 noon and 8 p.m.

possibly the above preparations taken together 2-4-6 times daily.

Natrium-Homaccord, Cruroheel S and Arsuraneel interposed in inveterate cases. Injection therapy

Lymphomyosot once to 3 times weekly i.m., possibly coupled with Traumeel S once weekly i.m. or s.c., possibly also i.v.

Calcium carbonicum-Injeel (forte) as basic remedy, possibly with Calcium jodatum- Injeel as well as Calcium phosphoricum-Injeel (forte).

Ferrum jodatum-Injeel for scrofulous glandular swelling and ophthalmia.

Tuberculinum-Injeel and Bacillinum-Injeel, also Adeps suillus-Injeel and Sutoxol-Injeel as nosode therapy.

Natrium-Homaccord, Echinacea compositum (forte) S (stimulation of the defensive system), otherwise also Tonsilla compositum (powerful stimulation of the Iymphatic system), Mucosa compositum (action on the mucous membranes), Hepar compositum (stimulation of the detoxicating hepatic function), Discus compositum (action on the

skeletal system and ligaments), possibly also Glandula Iymphatica suis-Injeel once to twice weekly i.m.

See also diathesis, exudative; mononucleosis, cradle cap, tonsillar hypertrophy, intestinal colic, polyps.