For homeopathic use, the fresh plant is collected in the blossom period. The extract contains Anemonin, Iso-Anemonin and anemonic acid and Saponin. It exerts an estrogen-like action with effects on the circulatory system, the mucosae and the psyche. |
Pulsatilla possesses particular affinity for the pelvic organs such as the uterus, ovaries, and udder. Through initiating intensive hyperemia in these organs, it is used for distur- bances in lactation shortly after birth. It works regulating on the estrus cycle when there is a tardy and weak onset of heat-symptoms (silent heat), and these alterations of an apparently hormonal origin are indicative for symptomatology and will be nor- malised by its use in lower potency. |
This remedy also takes a great influence on the retraction or involution of the uterus and promotes uterine clearance (pyometra, endometritis). Thus it not only regulates the endocrine insufficiencies of the puerperium, it also exerts its influence, probably by its effect on the neural system, in the catarrhal inflammation of the mucosae with chronic discharge or yellowish-green secretion (expectoration) of a cream-like consis- tency, of a non-aggressive nature, especially in the palpebral conjunctiva, nasal cavities, paranasal sinuses, and/or the bronchial system, with sneezing and a dry spasmodic cough. In the digestive tract, gastritis with frequent vomiting, watery or mucid yellow- ish-green diarrhea with colicky pain are present. Also dyspepsia and meteorism can occur. Pulsatilla is the remedy of the mucosae in the stage of inflammation. |
In the locomotory system, its symptoms comprise painful limbs and rheumatic discom- fort within the joints and peripheral nerves (neuralgias) as a result of venous stasis. |
The veins of the lower limbs are visibly congested. Amelioration of all symptoms by moderate exercise in fresh air. The Pulsatilla-type is calm and gentle and sensitive. No- table in all animals is their lack of thirst. Aggravation at rest, in the evening and at night. In lower potency, Pulsatilla displays clearly organotropic action, whereas the higher potencies are more psychotropic in nature (Lactatio falsa). |
Coenzyme compositum ad us. vet. |
Discus compositum ad us. vet. |
Echinacea compositum forte S |
Euphorbium compositum ad us. vet. |
Gastricumeel® |
=HYPERLINK(“″,”Hormeel® QP ad us. vet.”) |
=HYPERLINK(“″,”Hormeel® SN”) |
Hormeel® S |
Lachesis compositum N ad us. vet. |
Mucosa compositum ad us. vet. |
Mucosa compositum Heel |
Ovarium compositum ad us. vet. |
Ovarium compositum |