

(Adjuvant therapy)
(Mainly impregnation phases, possibly degeneration phases, too)
Gastricumeel®Lachesis compositum N ad us. vet.
Nux vomica-Homaccord® ad us. vet.
• Taken together with:
After treatment with corticosteroids:Berberis-Homaccord® ad us. vet.
To regulate liver function:Chelidonium-Homaccord® N
With diarrhea:Diarrheel® SN
After treatment with corticosteroids:Echinacea compositum ad us. vet.
After treatment with corticosteroids:Engystol® ad us. vet.
Stimulates detoxication of the liver:Hepar comp. Heel
Mesenchymal drainage:Lymphomyosot® N
After lesions in the mucous membranes:Mucosa compositum ad us. vet.
Diathesis of hemorrhage and parenchymal complaints:Phosphor-Homaccord® ad us. vet.
With diarrhea:Veratrum-Homaccord® ad us. vet.
Sickness and dizziness. In otitis, too:Vertigoheel®