Inflammation phase | |
Main remedy: | Bryaconeel |
Secondary remedies: | Phosphor-Homaccord |
Arnica-Heel Tartephedreel Traumeel | |
Phase remedy: | Echinacea compositum |
(Organodermal reaction phase) (Main remedy: Bryaconeel)
Bryaconeel 1 tablet at 8 a.m., 12 noon and 4 p.m. (or Grippe nosode-Injeel).
Aconitum-Homaccord 8-10 drops at 9 a.m., 1 p.m. and 5 p.m.
Phosphor-Homaccord 8-10 drops at 10 a.m., 2 p.m. and 6 p.m.
Aurumheel N 8-10 drops at 11 a.m., 3 p.m. and 7 p.m.
possibly the above preparations taken together 2-4_6 times daily. Aletris-Heel and Veratrum-Homaccord for prostration, collapse.
Schwef-Heel and Engystol N (including orally) or the latter alone in migratory pneumonia as well as in the absence of critical defervescence.
Injection therapy
Grippe Nosode-Injeel alternating or mixed with Aconitum-Homaccord and/or Phosphor- Homaccord, Phosphorus-Injeel S (forte), possibly also Engystol N and Traumeel S (transition to chronic condition or abscess formation) daily i.m., s.c., i.v.
Lycopodium lnjeel (forte), also Kalium carbonicum-Injeel (forte) when located on the right side.
Natrium sulfuricum-Injeel, left side.
Acidum benzoicum-Injeel (forte) and Carbo vegetabilis-Injeel (for severe dyspnoea). Jodum-Injeel (dyspnoea with pneumonia of the upper lobe).
Grippe-Nosode-Injeel and Klebsiella pneumonia-Injeel (forte) often specifically effective, particularly for adiposis, for which also Adeps suillus-Injeel (forte) is recommended.
Coenzyme compositum (for after-treatment in disturbance of the enzyme functions), possibly also the collective pack of catalysts of the citric acid cycle as well as Mucosa compositum (therapeutic agent for affections of the mucous membrane), possibly also Thyreoidea compositum (revitalizing effect through powerful stimulation of the hormonal and connective tissue functions), otherwise Pulmo suis-Injeel and Funiculus umbilicalis suis-Injeel for retarded infiltration.
See also pleurisy, influenza, pulmonary abscess, pneumopathy, eosinophilic, bronchitis.