Lycopodium clavatum (Club Moss)

Lycopodium clavatum (Club Moss)

Primary feature in the homeopathic drug-picture is metabolic disturbance of the liver. Pain in the hepatic region upon touching the right half of the body. Biliary colic, slug- gishness of the bowels, meteorism. Constipation or passing of foul-smelling feces (ini- tially solid, then soft), pale yellow in coloration; when greenish, the consistency is thin. Sphincterismus (anus). Accumulation of metabolic products, particularly uric acid. Cal- culus formation in gallbladder and urethra.
Carduus compositum QP ad us. vet.
Hepar comp. Heel
Hepeel® N
Nux vomica-Homaccord® ad us. vet.
Nux vomica-Homaccord