

Inflammation phase
Main remedy:Gripp-Heel
Secondary remedies:Engystol Tartephedreel Aconitum-Homaccord Bryaconeel
Phase remedy:Traumeel


(Mesenchymal reaction phase)

(Main remedies: Gripp-Heel, Engystol N (Injection Solution), Tartephedreel)

Gripp-Heel (or Aconitum-Homaccord or Bryaconeel) 1 tablet (or 8-10 drops) 1/4 hourly for 2-3 hours.

Tartephedreel for influenzal bronchitis, taken in addition, in alternation Belladonna-Homaccord for a barking cough.

Bronchalis-Heel, Droperteel and Husteel, possibly also Drosera-Homaccord (cough similar to pertussis), to be taken in addition, alternating, for subsequent bronchitis.

Naso-Heel S and Traumeel S tablets for sinusitis.

Phosphor-Homaccord (prophylaxis of influenzal pneumonia). Euphorbium compositum S (when the paranasal sinuses are involved). Euphorbium compositum-Nasal Spray S (for coryza).

Viburcol suppositories (especially for infants and children). Injection therapy

Gripp-Heel with the patient’s own blood i.m. or i.v., possibly mixed with Traumeel S in highly feverish cases, with Engystol N in serious viral influenza.

Echinacea compositum (forte) S (stimulation of the defensive mechanism). Phosphorus-Injeel (forte) S specifically for lobular pneumonia, 1 ampoule daily i.v., i.m. or s.c. as long as fever and infiltrations persist.

Euphorbium compositum S injection solution (post-influenzal sinusitis with a tendency to chronicity).

Pyrogenium-Injeel (forte) for gastro-intestinal influenza.

Grippe-Nosode-Injeel (forte), possibly also Tonsillitis-Nosode-Injeel, Tonsillarpfröpfe- Injeel and Klebsiella pneumonia-Injeel (forte) in the case of the illness following an abnormal course with temperature showing a relapse, possibly alternating with Coxsackie-Virus A9 or B4-Injeel.

See also sinusitis, pneumonia, bronchitis, etc.