Yellow Lady’s Slipper
The skin symptoms correspond to those of poisoning by Rhus, for which it has been found an efficient antidote. Nervousness in children; from teething and intestinal troubles. Debility after gout. Hydrocephaloid symptoms, result of long, exhausting diarrhœa. Sleeplessness. Cerebral hyperasthesia in young children often the result of overstimulation of brain.
Head.–Child cries out at night; is wakeful and begins to laugh and play. Headaches of elderly people and during climacteric.
Relationship.–Compare: Ambra; Kali brom; Scutellar; Valerian; Ignat. Skin relatives: Grindelia; Anacard.
Dose.–Tincture, to sixth attenuation. For Poison Oak, 5 drops of tincture per dose, also locally.