Cradle cap (seborrhea)
Cradle cap (seborrhea)
Inflammation phase | |
Main remedy: | Graphites-Homaccord |
Secondary remedies: | Mercurius-Heel Psorinoheel Abropernol |
Phase remedy: | Psorinoheel |
Cradle cap (seborrhoea)
(Ectodermal reaction phase)
(Main remedy: Graphites-Homaccord) Graphites-Homaccord at 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. 8-10 drops Mercurius-Heel S at 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. 1 tablet Psorinoheel at 12 noon and 8 p.m. 8-10 drops
possibly the above preparations taken together 2-4-6 times daily.
Calcoheel and Viburcol frequently show surprisingly favourable action. Traumeel S tablets (anti-inflammatory, antisuppurative action).
Abropernol, Dulcamara-Homaccord and Mezereum-Homaccord possibly as intermediate remedies.
Sulfur-Heel (alleviates irritation).
Traumeel S ointment to be applied daily (possibly with the head covered by a hood). Injection therapy
Calcium carbonicum-Injeel and Viola tricolor-Injeel i.m., s.c., i.v., possibly with Graphites-Homaccord and Psorinoheel in alternation Cutis compositum (once to twice weekly as constitutional therapy), Psorinum-Injeel (forte), Serum ovile-Injeel, Tuberculinum-Injeel, Variolinum-Injeel and Vaccininum-Injeel as intermediate remedy (nosodes).