Deposition phase | |
Main remedy: | Psorinoheel |
Secondary remedies: | Engystol |
Traumeel ointment Cutis compositum | |
Phase remedy: | Galium-Heel |
(Ectodermal deposition phases) Psorinoheel 3 times daily 8-10 drops
Schwef-Heel (intermediate remedy)
Galium-Heel (detoxicating agent acting on the mesenchyme in neoplasm). Traumeel S ointment to be applied externally once to twice weekly.
Injection therapy
Psorinoheel on Mondays i.m., s.c., i.d., i.v.,
Engystol N and Hormeel S on Thursdays i.m., possibly also Cutis_suis_Injeel and Funiculus umbilicalis suis-Injeel as mixed injection, likewise
Thuja-Injeel forte S, Antimonium crudum-Injeel forte and Acidum nitricum-Injeel forte, Medorrhinum-Injeel (forte), possibly also Trichomonaden-Fluor-Injeel, Carcinoma laryngis-Injeel, and Sutoxol-Injeel (forte) as nosode therapy (in the Iymphatic glands and the flexure of the groin)Cutis compositum (extremely chronic cases, constitutional therapy).