Inflammation phase | |
Main remedy: | Gripp-Heel |
Secondary remedies: | Bronchalis-Heel Bryaconeel Tartephedreel |
Phase remedies: | Traumeel |
Echinacea compositum |
(Organodermal reaction phase)
Gripp-Heel (or Bryaconeel) and Tartephedreel alternating every 1-2 hours. Aconitum-Homaccord for feverish influenzal bronchitis
Droperteel for congestive bronchitis (in the elderly)
Bronchalis-Heel for smoker’s bronchitis, 1 tablet 3 times daily for irritating coughs Drosera-Homaccord (forms of coughs similar to pertussis)
possibly allowing several preparations simultaneously to be taken 2-4-6 times daily.
Injection therapy
Gripp-Heel and Traumeel S mixed i.m., possibly with Engystol N, Bacillinum-Injeel (forte), nosode-preparations to activate the defences. Klebsiella pneumonia-Injeel (forte) especially in cases of adiposis.
Asthma-Nosode-Injeel and Pertussis-Nosode-Injeel (forte) for chronic (asthmatic) bronchitis.
Guajacum-Injeel (forte) for evil-smelling, purulent expectoration, bronchiectasis. Mucosa compositum and Tonsilla compositum ampoules for constitutional therapy in emphysema, asthma, pneumonoconiosis, etc., once weekly i.m. or s.c.
See also influenza, pneumonia.