Arnica’s homeopathic symptoms consist of conditions such as are known as result from traumatic injuries (contusions) and wounds. The skin and the mucous membranes show due to vascular disturbances, flushing and hyperemia in conjunction with erysi- pelatous vesiculation and intense pruritus. Also recurrent furunculosis. Hemorrhagic tendencies (hematoma). Muscle spasms after extensive or strenuous exercise, accom- panied by weakness and exhaustion. Rheumatic symptoms within the joints, muscles, tendons, and synovial sheaths. Extremities are cold, circulatory insufficiency after blood-loss. Paroxysmal cough with sanguineous secretion. Influences the vascular sys- tem, the veins and capillaries in particular, to increase the flow of blood within the af- fected region. Arnica promotes the exchange of fluids within the areas of traumatic lesion. Aggravation through touch or exercise. Amelioration while resting. Repairs the conditions after cerebral concussion. |