Arsenicum album (Acidum arsenicosum, Arsenic Trioxide)

Arsenicum album (Acidum arsenicosum, Arsenic Trioxide)

As a polychrest, Acidum arsenicosum exerts its effects upon all bodily cells. Proving results of arsenic trioxide show severe inflammatory symptoms in both acute and chronic pathological processes. Difficulties in swallowing, violent, incessant regurgita- tion, and profuse diarrhea occur. Disinterest in feeding yet extremely thirsty. Attacks of racking cough with danger of choking which produces little, yet viscid exudate. Degen- erative damage of the renal parenchyma, glomerulonephritis, albuminuria, cylindruria, and nephrogenic edema within the skin.
Fearfulness and restlessness to the point of exhaustion in lively, agile animals with ex- ceptionally sensitive temperaments are indications for applying Acidum arsenicosum. Intense thirst, periodicity of symptoms, aggravation at night and alleviation through warmth are typical.
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