Medicinal-therapeutical Mechanism of Action of
Medicinal-therapeutical Mechanism of Action of
2.1 The difference between anti-homotoxic preparations and single homoeopathic remedies
Whereas the classically treating, homoeopathic therapist exclusively applies so-called single-constituent remedies, whose constituents are potentized according to the defined production rules of the homoeopathic pharmacopoeia and whose application is conducted after anamnesis and subsequent repertorization according to the Simile Principle, anti- homotoxic preparations are usually implemented based on the indica-tion. The anti- homotoxic preparations are usually composed of combinations of homoeopathic substances, manufactured according to the regulations of the official German Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia (HAB 1978), and are homoeopathic remedies according to the legal definition of the EU guideline 92/73 EC.
Unlike single homoeopathic remedies, it is essential during the therapeutic implementation of anti-homotoxic preparations that these remedies are applied based on the measures of Homotoxicology according to Reckeweg. In particular this means that the physician first defines the current location of the patient as indicated on the Six-Phase-Table of Homotoxicology.
Due to the phasal course of diseases the physician must pay attention to so-called vicariation effects, i.e., the shifting of a disease from one phase into another. The therapeutic goal is to shift the disease from a phase to the right of the Biological Division (phases 4 to 6) into a phase to the left of the Biological Division (phases 1 to 3). To achieve this the excretion of homotoxins must be initiated with the corresponding anti- homotoxic preparations.
Due to the high complexity of chronic diseases, it is essential for the success of anti- homotoxic therapy to implement the anti-homotoxic preparations in accordance with the phases. The rule of thumb may apply thereby that in particular the so-called combination preparations are indicated for diseases in the matrix phases 3 and 4 as well as in the degeneration and dedifferentiation (neoplasm) phases. This applies essentially because, in addition to the specific classical homoeopathic active agent, further anti-homotoxic active agents such as potentized suis-organ extracts, catalysts, nosodes, and, in several cases, also the homoeopathically adjusted allopathic medications are contained in these preparations. As practice has shown, well selected single homoeopathic remedies are often not able to shift a disease from the cellular phases 4 or 5 into a regressive vicariation unless certain enzyme defects or blockades on the cellular level are previously removed by anti-homotoxic agents such as catalysts, suis-organ components, nosodes, and homoeopathically adjusted allopathic medications. The action of the indicated simile occurs only after the removal of the blockades because the homoeopathic single remedy requires a terrain which is at least still partly responsive to stimulants. Reaction blockades must be removed with other strategies such as the anti-homotoxic excretion, the progressive auto-sanguis-therapy, neural therapy, and dietetics.
Experience has shown that well selected single remedies + Injeels/forte from the area of the catalysts, nosodes, and suis-organs or corresponding combinations, in particular the so-called Compositum preparations are suitable to achieve ”regressive“ vicariation. If, however, a regressive vicariation effect has occurred and the secondary or tertiary disease (locum disease) has regressed into phase 2, then the single remedies or the customary specialties of the anti-homotoxic preparations, which contain combinations of single remedies, can be successfully applied.
To achieve the successful application of the anti-homotoxic preparations, the following details must be noted from the above explanations:
- The definition of the phase which the disease is in.
- The recording of vicariation effects.
- The excretion of homotoxins.
- The anti-homotoxic or homoeopathic treatment of the disease arisen after vica-riation into the excretion phase.

2.3 The treatment of diseases to the right of the Biological Division with anti-homo-toxic preparations
The phases to the right of the Biological Division possess the following common properties:
- They have gone through a longer development time, that is the diseases have assumed a chronic nature.
- As a result of the chronicity, intracellular, structural damages have, as a rule, occurred on the organelles of the cells.
- The structural damages are frequently due to blockades of physiological meta-bolical process chains (enzyme blockades).
- The matrix is severely altered in its functionality through deposits of metabolites (= homotoxins) and through the frequently accompanying acidosis.
- The alteration of the matrix impacts on the immunological reactions within the matrix (immunotoxically and paradoxically proceeding reactions).
- The proper supply of neighbouring parenchyma cells with the nutrients trans-ported via the blood capillaries is severely altered or limited (disorder of the transportation function of the matrix).
Together with the alteration of the matrix and the physiological reaction of the matrix the removal of contaminants and metabolites is impeded, resulting in the retoxifying action of these waste products (homotoxins) on the parenchyma cells to be supplied.
Based on the above listed alterations particularly in the matrix, the general anti-homotoxic strategy aims to repair these damages for diseases to the right of the Biological Division by:
- Reduction of further contaminant supply e.g., by changing the diet.
- Unblocking of enzyme systems particularly in the metabolically active organs such as the liver and kidneys as well as the intestinal tract and the lungs with the aid of the catalyst preparations.
- Elimination of the tissue acidosis, e.g., through an alkalic diet.
- Drainage of the matrix via the diverse detoxification techniques such as lymph drainage, physical therapy (sauna), administration of corresponding homoeo-pathic preparations (e.g., Lymphomyosot).
- Therapeutic restitution of damaged intracellular structures via suitable anti- homotoxic preparations (e.g., suis-organ preparations).
For the drainage of the matrix it is recommended to administer nosodes in addition to lymphatic remedies because the nosode as an isotherapeutic remedy causes a highly specified stimulus for the alteration of the toxic situation. Nosodes are, as is known, therapeutic remedies of the terrain and possess the ability to ”remind“ the body specifically of the ”similar“ or comparable general toxic situation of the diseases wich they represent.
In addition it may be required for the treatment of a retoxifying action caused by frequent intake of strongly effective allopathic medications to offer the corresponding homoeopathically adjusted allopathic medication to the sick organism. By homoeopathically adjusting the allopathic medication, generally in the D6 potency and higher, a reversal of the toxic action of this medication is induced. The Arndt-Schulz law and/or the effect of hormesis provide a logical scientific explanation for this retroactive effect.
The unblocking of enzymes or metabolic chains is effectively achieved by the administration of anti-homotoxic catalyst preparations such as Coenzyme compositum in alternation with Ubichinon compositum. Both preparations contain a significant combination of vitamins and co-enzymes as well as intermediary products of metabolic cycles providing energy in the homoeopathic dilution from D6. According to Schmid1) these preparations act on the molecular level on the mitochondria and assist the organism to regulate the intracellular, energy-supplying processes once again. The potencies between D6 and D10 are substitutive and can reactivate metabolic dysfunctions in energy- supplying cycles by substitution.
Because every severe disease, which no longer possesses any self-healing tendencies, is coupled to dysfunction on the level of energy-supplying processes, a concomitant, possibly intermittent administration of these preparations is indicated in all cases, as frequently confirmed successfully both in human medicine and in veterinary medicine.
The two catalyst preparations ( Coenzyme compositum and Ubichinon compositum) can be significantly supplemented by the administration of a trace element compound such as Molybdän compositum. In this compound, important trace elements such as molybdenum, zinc, iron, cobalt, cerium, manganese, copper, nickel, and rubidium are combined with sulphur and phosphorus which both possess a strongly stimulative effect particularly on mucous membranes and tissue cells and which belong to the so-called reaction remedies in homoeopathy. The above-mentioned trace elements are present as salts in lower potencies between D3 and D8. In these ranges, these trace elements no longer have toxic effects, but have a purely stimulative and/or a substitutive effect. These elements catalyze several enzyme-dependent reactions. As is well known, particularly molybdenum, copper, nickel, zinc, manganese, and cobalt are elements which are essential for certain enzyme complexes, that is, these enzyme complexes cannot function without them.
It can be said in summary that the Compositum preparations containing catalysts, minerals, and trace elements are indicated for all chronic diseases connected with energy deficits such as chronic fatigue syndrome or for diseases caused by old age.
2.2 The treatment of diseases to the left of the Biological Division with anti-homo-toxic preparations
The treatment of diseases of phases 1 to 3 can be conducted with relatively nonspecific homoeopathic substances. Nonspecific signifies in this case that the point of attack of the preparation does not concentrate on a specific, e.g., degenerately damaged organ, but that it exercises an effect upon the whole organism particularly via the blood and lymph system.
Practice has shown thereby that such diseases of the humoral phase, and particularly of the deposition phase (phase 3) are very effectively treated with the progressive auto- sanguis therapy, that is, an autologous blood nosode combined with specialties and/or reaction remedies which do not belong to the Compositum preparations. Typical representatives of these preparations are, for example, nonspecifically stimulating preparations for all infectious diseases such as Gripp-Heel, Engystol or Traumeel S. The effect of these preparations is effectively amplified by the progressive auto-sanguis treatment because an additional immunological stimulus is exercised on the matrix by this autologous blood nosode.
The Injeels of the single homoeopathic substances also belong in the treatment of diseases of the humoral phase because the advantage of the combination of low and high potencies is that they possess a quite conservative therapeutic efficacy usually progressing without initial aggravation.
It can be presupposed for all diseases of the humoral phase that the intracellular structures are still intact and that enzyme blockades or cellular structure defects have not yet occurred. For this reason, the organism can be stimulated directly by the homoeopathic simile in terms of an antidote and this effect may possibly be amplified by the analogous blood nosode as well. The homoeopathic drug picture is defined, as is well known, based on the healthy test person who does not have a cellular illness.
In the third phase, the deposition phase, the homotoxin is simply encapsulated and taken out of circulation, so to speak. This phase always occurs when the homotoxins can no longer be degraded by the body in the reaction phase.
During the deposition phase the condensed homotoxins are deposited without causing structural alterations of the matrix and/or functional impairments to it. As long as the physiological filtering and protection functions can be performed by the matrix, the regular supply of the surrounding parenchyma cells and tissue is guaranteed. The situation only changes dramatically when the Biological Division is crossed, when the endogenic structure of the matrix is so burdened by more and more condensed, deposited homotoxins that it can no longer perform its filtering and protection functions. In such a case the homotoxins enter the tissue cells where they cause cellular, structural alterations in cell organelles such as mitochondria or nuclei.
2.4 The course of therapy
By introducing the vicariation principle into anti-homotoxic therapy Reckeweg pointed out the dynamics of every disease and/or recovery process. The interrelations which exist between a bio-system and the damaging homotoxins vary continuously during an illness and during the recovery process. The purposeful, self-regulatory forces of the organism usually are retained during illnesses up to and including the 3rd phase of the Six-Phase Table of Homotoxicology. In contrast, after the Biological Division is crossed, from phase 4 onward, self-regulation and self-recovery is practically no longer possible for the organism. In this case, a therapeutic-medicinal treatment is required to achieve recovery.
Following regressive vicariation, a disease often enters either phase 2 or 3. This usually requires the change of the anti-homotoxic preparation because in phase 2 the symptomatically indicated acute remedy is usually necessary. In phases 2 and 3, which belong to the humoral phases, the self-regulatory capacity of the organism is still present, so that only stimulative medication is required to initiate inflammatory mechanisms, particularly in the matrix. Usually the excretion of the disease occurs via the skin or the mucous membranes. Increased perspiration, sputum, strong formation of urine, light diarrhea, and fever are welcome signs of a shift out of the cellular disease phases which indicates an improvement of the basic illness. In the acute phases 1 and 2, Compositum preparations as described previously are generally no longer required but instead, preparations such as Traumeel or certain Homaccords or single-remedy Injeels are preferable.
2.5 The modes of application of anti-homotoxic preparations
Anti-homotoxic preparations can be applied orally, parenterally, or locally/externally. Particularly for easily located complaints, a combination of oral with local measures, e.g., for the treatment of injuries or rheumatic diseases, is recommended. In addition, a segmental, parenteral treatment of certain areas of the body via subcutaneous or intracutaneous infiltration is a frequently practiced procedure for the treatment of painful diseases of the locomotor system. The most wide-spread mode of application is – as generally also for homoeopathic preparations – the systematic oral application via tablets or drops and/or the application of suppositories for children.
If desired, ampoules can be administered orally instead of parenterally. This application is particularly recommended when alcoholic drops should not be used for small children or alcoholic patients.
The application of injections is polymorphic; it includes the intravenous, intramuscular, subcutaneous, and intracutaneous application, and also the segmental, the periarticular as well as – in certain cases – the intra-articular application. The parenteral application is advisable as a periarticular or subcutaneous injection especially for joint complaints and easily located pains. Through infiltration of anti-homotoxic preparations in combination with neurotherapeutical substances such as Procaine or Xylocaine freedom of complaint can be achieved quickly and without complications. Finally, the application in acupuncture or trigger points is an effective mode of application for anti-homotoxic preparations (Homoeosiniatrical Application). 2, 3, 4)
2.6 References
- Schmid, F. Anti-homotoxische Medizin, Band I: Grundlagen, Klinik, Praxis; Aurelia- Verlag, Baden-Baden, 1. Aufl., 1996.
- Skribot, E.W. Anwendung von Homöopathika in die homöosiniatrischen Aku- punkturpunkte; Biologische Medizin, Band 9, Heft 2, 1980; 51-63.
- Ebert, H. Homöosiniatrie, Haug-Verlag, Heidelberg, 1992.
- De la Fuye, R., Schmidt, H. Die moderne Akupunktur; Hippokrates-Verlag, Stuttgart, 1952.