Reneel® NT

Reneel® NT



1 tablet contains: Berberis vulgaris D2 15 mg; Lytta vesicatoria D5, Plumbum aceticum D6, Serenoa repens D2 30 mg each; Causticum Hahnemanni D4 60 mg; Aluminium oxydatum D12 75 mg.


Inflammatory diseases of the urinary passages with or without lithiasis.

Contraindications: None known.

Side effects: None known.

Interaction with other medications: None known.


See chapter Dosage of Heel Medications in Veterinary Medicine, p. 17–20.

Therapeutic applications:

Owing to the individual homeopathic constituents of this medication, therapeutical possibilities result for the treatment of inflammatory disorders in the region of the uri- nary passages, with or without lithiasis, e.g. cystitis, cystopyelitis, nephrolithiasis.

Package sizes:

Packs containing 50 and 250 tablets