Verrucae (warts)

Verrucae (warts)

Impregnation phase
Main remedy:Psorinoheel
Secondary remedies:Thuja forte Abropernol
Phase remedy:Galium-Heel

Verrucae (warts)

(Ectodermal deposition phase) (Main remedy: Psorinoheel)

Abropernol 1 tablet at 8 a.m. and 4 p.m.

Galium-Heel (in persistent cases) 8-10 drops at 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. Psorinoheel 8-10 drops at 12 noon and 8 p.m.

Possibly the above preparations taken together 2-4-6 times daily.

Thuja-Injeel S in resistance to therapy as ampoules to be taken orally (1 ampoule  daily, dissolved in a glass of water and taken in draughts in the course of the day).

Injection therapy

Psorinoheel i.m., s.c., i.d., i.v.

Thuja-Injeel (forte) S is the principal remedy for warts.

Acidum nitricum-Injeel (forte), Causticum-Injeel (forte) S and Antimonium crudum- Injeel (forte) as intermediate remedies, possibly mixed.

Causticum-Injeel S (warts on the fingers).

Galium-Heel in chronic cases at intervals, likewise Engystol N.

Medorrhinum-Injeel, Polypus nasalis-Injeel and Polypus laryngis-Injeel interposed at intervals in resistance to therapy.

Coenzyme compositum, Ubichinon compositum and possibly Glyoxal compositum (serious chronic cases), otherwise also Cutis compositum (therapeutic agent for affections of the dermal function) and possibly Hepar compositum (stimulation of the detoxicating hepatic function), when appropriate also Cutis suis-Injeel, further, also general detoxicating agents such as Colon suis-Injeel, Vesica urinaria suis-Injeel, Vesica fellea suis-Injeel and Hepar suis Injeel i.m., i.d., as well as the progressive auto-sanguis therapy with the above mentioned ampoule preparations.