Veratrum album (White Hellebore)

Veratrum album (White Hellebore)

Acts upon the entire nervous system, both central and peripheral, for instance on the vasomotor and temperature centers via the vagus nerve. Additionally it affects the non- striated intestinal muscles. A state of collapse develops as the result of vasomotor spasm, associated with circulatory debility and disturbed peripheral circulation. Weak- ness, extremely algid extremities and cold sweat are included in this symptom picture. The irritation of the digestive mucosae (in the acute intoxication) causes gastroenteritis with salivation, regurgitation, acute and watery diarrhea of a loam-like color accompa- nied by flatulent colic and intestinal bleeding to the point of exhaustion. The animals are extremely thirsty, yet generally vomit immediately after drinking. Pulmonary con- gestion may occur with a racking paroxysmal cough and severe respiratory distress. Horses and cattle display agitation as the result of the highly excited peripheral sensory nerves; retching, accelerated peristalsis, increased frequency of defecation and urina- tion. Incessant vomiting in pigs and dogs. Aggravation by moving; amelioration at rest and in warmth.
Atropinum compositum ad us. Vet
Berberis-Homaccord® ad us. vet.
Carduus compositum QP ad us. vet.
Diarrheel® SN
Hepar comp. Heel
Hepeel® N
Mucosa compositum ad us. vet.
Mucosa compositum Heel
Veratrum-Homaccord® ad us. vet.