Therapeutical damage
Therapeutical damage
(Mainly impregnation, possibly also degeneration or neoplasm phases)
Galium-Heel applied in massive initial-dose therapy, otherwise 8-10 drops at 8 a.m., 12 noon and 4 p.m., alternating with
Hepeel or
Chelidonium-Homaccord 1 tablet or 8-10 drops at 10 a.m., 2 p.m. and 6 p.m. Lymphomyosot for damage to the connective tissue.
Ferrum-Homaccord for post-infectious anaemia. Injection therapy
Engystol N alternating or mixed i.m., s.c., i.d., i.v. with Galium-Heel as well as with the corresponding suis-organ preparation for the frequently repeated progressive auto- sanguis therapy. In addition, use the Heel biotherapeutic-antihomotoxic agents indicated according to the symptoms or syndrome, and in particular also Lymphomyosot. In therapeutical damage, the nosode preparations are of prime importance, insofar as the bacteria, tissues and secretory products active during the original illness (through the preliminary phase) are now being utilized in deallergization, as well as in auto-antibody formation and auto-regression diseases. The same applies to homoeopathically potentized allopathic remedies.
Coenzyme compositum and Ubichinon compositum, possibly also Solidago compositum S (kidneys) and Thyreoidea compositum (in general to stimulate disturbed hormonal functions as well as the connective tissue function; antineoplasmatic action); in particular also Hepar compositum (stimulation of the detoxicating hepatic function). The use is also recommended of homoeopathically potentized allopathic remedies, in which case it is best not to apply the same preparation (in homoeopathically potentized form) which caused the therapeutical damage, but a similar preparation, since the counter-action produced in the simile effect is more far-reaching than that of an isopathic remedy. For homoeopathically potentized allopathic remedies, see page 24. See under the indications relating to the therapeutical damage in question, e.g. achylia gastrica; chronic fatigue syndrome (CFIDS); allergic diseases; colitis; diabetes mellitus; muscular dystrophy, progressive; epileptiform conditions; lupus erythematosus; anaemia; haemorrhagic diathesis; hypophyseal insufficiency; hepatitis; liver damage and cirrhosis of the liver; inoculation damage; pneumonopathy, eosinophilic; migraine; Addison’s disease; multiple sclerosis; myasthenia gravis; paralysis, general; paralysis; radiation sickness; scleroderma; status asthmaticus, etc.