Tachycardia, paroxysmal
Tachycardia, paroxysmal
Impregnation phase | |
Main remedy: | Spigelia compositum |
Secondary remedies: | Aurumheel Psorinoheel Gastricumeel |
Phase remedy: | Cor compositum |
Tachycardia, paroxysmal
(Haemodermal impregnation phase) (Main remedy: Cardiacum-Heel)
for continuous treatment:
Belladonna-Homaccord 8-10 drops in the morning Aurumheel N drops, 8-10 drops at midday Gastricumeel 1 tablet in the afternoon Psorinoheel 8-10 drops in the evening
possibly the above preparations taken together 2-4-6 times daily.
Cardiacum-Heel for disorders, in frequent doses, 1 tablet to be dissolved on the tongue every 5 to 10 min., otherwise with the above preparations.
Glonoin-Homaccord N drops for throbbing palpitations as alternating remedy. Galium-Heel at intervals.
Rhododendroneel S for nocturnal restlessness (dependency on the weather). Injection therapy
Digitalis-Injeel forte S (2 ampoules in refractory cases) with Engystol N and Angio- Injeel as mixed injection i.v.
Scarlatinum-Injeel in cases of myocardial impairment.
Erigotheel for gastric symptoms (white-coated tongue), in this case also Pulsatilla- Injeel (forte) S and Antimonium crudum-Injeel (forte).
Arsenicum album-Injeel (forte) S for burning cardiac pains, anxiety and restlessness. Lycopodium-Injeel (forte) S, possibly also Hepeel to stimulate the detoxicating hepatic function.
Cactus-Injeel (forte) or Cactus compositum for cardiac spasms, conditions of anxiety, palpitations.
Naja tripudians-Injeel (forte) for cardiac pains, anxiety, cold perspiration. Rhododendron-Injeel (forte) for sensitivity to the weather, possibly with Strophanthus compositum (action on the heart), in chronic cases also Cor compositum, possibly also
Atropinum compositum and particularly Hepar compositum (stimulation of the detoxicating hepatic function), otherwise Cor suis-Injeel i.m. as well as the progressive auto-sanguis therapy with the above mentioned preparations. See also myocardial infarct, coronary insufficiency, gastrocardial syndrome, thyrotoxicosis, collapse, etc