

Phosphorus is a remedy of the parenchyma (lungs, heart, liver, kidneys). Then, acting as a metabolic and cellular toxin, it induces a state of general intoxication as well as increased degradation and decomposition of proteins and cells to yield fats (fatty de- generation). It causes metabolic ulcerations that result in a generalised loss of strength or debility, lesions of a nutritional and vegetative type (including paralysis of the mus- cles of the extremities). It exerts a corrosive effect on skin and mucosae, and in general on all tissues, causing hemorrhaging in all tissues, particularly the mucosae (stomach, intestines, nasal cavities), also on the sub-serous membranes, and within the subcutis. Proving with continual phosphorus application secondarily induces proliferation of the interstitial connective-tissue within the inner organs; further precipitated are the symptoms of chronic gastritis, chronic interstitial hepatitis with cirrhosis of the liver, nephritis (atrophic kidney), and ossifying periostitis, ostitis (osteomyelitis).
The metabolic ulcerations in the digestive tract are including an inflammation or local tumefaction with hyperemia and burning. The mucous membranes of the stomach are hyperemic and swollen, with tendency to develop hemorrhaging and small, flat ulcers. The symptoms include gastroenteritic signs (regurgitation, colic, diarrhea, peptic ulcer). Steatosis develops in the cells of the peptic glands as well as within the musculature of stomach and intestines. Also hepatomegaly, fatty degeneration of the liver, jaundice, and cholemia, fatty degeneration of the kidneys with albuminuria. In the respiratory tract, symptoms include laryngitis, acute and chronic bronchopneumonia, and in the circulatory system cardiac insufficiency. Other symptoms of this remedy are mastitis, tumefication of the bones (periostitis) with necrosis and maxillomandibular periostitis. Also decalcification of the bones. The Phosphorus-type has slender limbs, silky hair, and thin skin; it is nervous, irritable, and fatigues quickly. Phosphorus also has behavioral disturbances displayed as conditions of fear or overexcitability.
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