Myoma uteri (fibroid uterus)
Myoma uteri (fibroid uterus)
Deposition phase | |
Main remedies: | Gynäcoheel and Hormeel |
Secondary remedies: | Ovarium compositum |
Galium-Heel | |
Phase remedy: | Thyreoidea compositum |
Myoma uteri
(Germinodermal deposition phase) (Main remedy: Strumeel forte N)
Strumeel forte N 8-10 drops in the morning Galium-Heel 8-10 drops at midday
Hormeel S (for a tendency toward haemorrhages, Gynäcoheel in place of this) 8-10 drops in the afternoon
Lamioflur (as alternating remedy Psorinoheel) 8-10 drops in the evening possibly the above preparations taken together 2-4-6 times daily.
Injection therapy
Galium-Heel, Hormeel S, Metro-Adnex-Injeel and possibly Psorinoheel alternating or mixed i.m., s.c., i.v., intradermal (sacral).
Kreosotum-Injeel, Hydrastis-Injeel (forte), Aurum jodatum-Injeel (forte), Sulfur-Injeel S and Ipecacuanha-Injeel for bleeding submucous polyps.
Ovarium compositum and possibly Placenta compositum (regulation of the hormonal functions), possibly also Thyreoidea compositum (powerful action on the functions of the connective tissues), possibly also Mucosa compositum (remedy for affections of the mucous membranes), at intervals also Coenzyme compositum and Ubichinon compositum (to regulate the enzyme functions), in cases of resistance to therapy also Glyoxal compositum (a single ampoule i.m., await effect), at intervals also collective pack of catalysts of the citric acid cycle.
Trichomonaden-Fluor-Nosode-Injeel (forte), possibly also Brucella abortus Bang-Injeel (forte) i.m., s.c., i.d., i.v., Uterus suis-Injeel once weekly i.m. as well as progressive auto-sanguis therapy with the above mentioned preparations.
See also haemorrhages, menorrhagia, deposition phases.