Inflammation phase | |
Main remedy: | Diarrheel |
Secondary remedies: | Veratrum-Homaccord |
Vomitusheel Spascupreel | |
Phase remedy: | Berberis-Homaccord |
(Entodermal reaction phase)
Diarrheel S 1 tablet hourly Gastricumeel and Duodenoheel
Vomitusheel (vomiting with spasms and clouding of consciousness) Veratrum- Homaccord, Traumeel S and Nux vomica-Homaccord orally and i.v. for symptoms similar to dysentery
Injection therapy
Echinacea compositum (forte) S for high fever daily i.m., s.c., possibly also Anthracinum-Injeel, Pyrogenium-Injeel, Myrtillus-Injeel (forte) for extremely serious symptoms (in addition to the above, Salmonella paratyphi B-Injeel and Salmonella typhi-Injeel for high fever), Mucosa compositum and possibly Hepar compositum (as after-treatment alternating i.m.).
See also under gastralgia.