Flatulence (See also Abdominal bloating)
Flatulence (See also Abdominal bloating)
Inflammation or Deposition phase | |
Main remedy: | Nux vomica-Homaccord |
Secondary remedies: | Gastricumeel Diarrheel Hepeel |
Phase remedy: | Galium-Heel |
(Entodermal deposition phase)
Diarrheel S 1 tablet 3-4 times daily
Nux vomica-Homaccord possibly interposed Gastricumeel for meteorism in the epigastrium Hepeel to stimulate the hepatic function Injection therapy
Hepeel, Erigotheel, Carbo vegetabilis-Injeel, Injeel-Chol and Argentum nitricum-Injeel alternating or mixed i.m., s.c., i.d., i.v.
Mucosa compositum to regulate the intestinal function once to twice weekly i.m.
Hepar compositum (disturbances of the hepatic function and liver damage), possibly also Coenzyme compositum (enzyme damage in general) and possibly Ubichinon compositum (pronounced enzyme damage).
Coxsackie-Virus-A9 or B4-Injeel (forte) are possibly effective See also meteorism.